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Hello everyone!!  I am so excited to start this program. I've been struggling with healthy eating habits for a while, I've done several programs and can follow them pretty good but once I cheat it's a struggle to get back on.  I just finished reading the book but I still have some questions.  I'm used to counting calories to help me stay on track so this is a new thing for me. Visual portion controls is going to be a challenge!  I recruited my husband to do it with me, but my biggest concern is portion control. I'm 4'11" 110lbs and he is 6'3" 210lbs or so, I know we are supposed to use our hands to measure food so that's going to take some time to get used to. Any tips?? I also excersise every morning on an empty stomach (Beachbody videos) and I'm considering going to the gym in the evenings as well. In this instance would meal 1 replace post workout meal for morning workout? I'm afraid of overeating since I'm so short.  I'm trying to slim a bit not gain!  Any tips would be greatly appreciated.



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On 04/02/2017 at 4:36 PM, KatKat said:

I also excersise every morning on an empty stomach (Beachbody videos) and I'm considering going to the gym in the evenings as well. In this instance would meal 1 replace post workout meal for morning workout?

Hey @KatKat & welcome to the forums :)

I'd re-think the morning & evening training to be honest - your body needs time to rest & recover, and exercising twice a day is going to put stress on your body, and likely raise cortisol levels which *may* lead to weight gain as your body goes into panic mode. You can have a read at >this article< about how important rest actually is... Minimum efective dose ;)

Since you usually train fasted I'd say you could forgo the PRE workout meal & just have a POST workout meal - so long as this doesn't mean it will be more than an hour after wakening before you eat. You definitely shouldn't combine the postWO meal & meal one as the fat in the template meal will slow down the absorption of the nutrients thereby preventing muscle protein synthesis which is what your body needs to happen to recover from your session. You could drop the postWO starchy carb though, but play around with that & see how you feel - muscle glycogen does not normalise on it's own on a daily basis so if you're depleting it regularly you will need to replace it. Fruit won't work for this as it replaces liver glycogen & not muscle glycogen. The postWO meal need only be a few bites, and you can eat this as soon as you're done training, and then follow up with a template breakfast. I train @ 6:30am, eat my protein (& starchy carb depending on intensity of training & other meals that week) as soon as I'm done, shower, dress & eat my meal one as soon as I get to work.

Hope this helps.

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