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Started on Feb. 7


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Howdy...Just started my first Whole30 on Tuesday, Feb 7. So far, the hardest thing has been my coffee....I have never liked coffee without some sort of sweetener in it, and this is making my mornings very cranky, which tends to make the afternoons even more cranky. As a freelance web designer, this is really messing with my work flow and production. Hoping things get better soon.


Anyway, wanted to say howdy y'all!



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Hey there, PappyPaul...you will reap the benefits almost immediately without those upside down sugars, something really artificial.  If it doesn't improve as quickly as you'd like, I'm throwing you a bone.  Drink some green tea and flip the switch.  Coffee was my middle name. Mossy green tea with macadamia nut oil is now my brew.  It's smooth and doesn't jack with my blood sugar in the way that coffee did.  You can add any kind of compliant oil/fat to your tea. Try it, PappyPaul.  

Oooo, I've thought of one more thing. This is just a tad 'advanced' for day one but it's great.  I've added Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides (unflavored) to my mossy green tea and compliant oils.  PappyPaul, it's an additional protein source and what it does for your skin, hair and nails.  Well, we just haven't got the time.  

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