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Starting March 20th


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First day of spring and first day of this journey. I'm a fairly clean eater but I love my wine and cheese. Been TTC for almost two years to no avail. My skin has been a mess and I have inexplicable aches all the time. I'm ready to figure out what is up with my body. I'm a little nervous but have been gearing up for a while and my family has agreed to be my support system even though they're not doing the program. Cheers to my fellow Whole30 peeps! ( with club soda and lime of course)

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I am on day 6 and feeling great. I have way more energy and not having any cravings. I successfully navigated my first dinner out last night. Passing on wine was probably the toughest because all the food was delicious and compliant. It helps that my husband owns the restaurant. He made some substitutions for me. How are you doing? 

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Hi Carrie,

I'm on day 3 now and it's going great! I haven't had any of the "hangover" symptoms the book and Whole30 Daily talk about, so I'm hoping that means the next stage, "kill all the things", will be easier too.

Since you're farther along than I am, have you had any of those cranky feelings?

That's great to hear about the restaurant! My fiance is an engineer so he can make me some cool stuff, but nothing that will help with the W30 ;)

I hope your second week goes as well as the first!!
- Emily

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Hi Carrie and Emily!

Just wanted to add a hi to you both! I'm 15 days in and feeling great, but wanted to share that I'm also a red wine lover, and cheese too (although that varies, sometimes I'll consume more, other times not, just depends). Haven't really had any cravings, issues, etc. and have read the book, fully prepared for any of them so that's good news. I am probably 85% paleo anyway and have been for about 5-6 years, so I'm sure that's helped me with a smaller sized sugar dragon to slay. Anyway, Carrie, I'm curious about your skin issues as I for the last year have had out of nowhere crazy skin issues. 3 derms and almost 30+ treatments later, not a single thing has helped, and these are super common treatments that are 95% effective most of the time. Totally baffled, but also just annoyed! Started to think it has to do with something in my environment that is triggering it, so that's why I'm on this journey. (thinking sulfites...wine...). Anyway, would love to hear your story and how you're both doing on this journey so far!


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