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Paige's First Whole 30

Paige T.

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Ok, since we are firmly in day 5 and haven't had any meltdowns, I feel it's safe to start a log on here.

Quick rundown on me,

  • 31, 4'11, 196 pear-shaped lbs(!!!). Annoyed when told I 'carry it well'.
  • Stomach issues since childhood
    • Diagnosed IBS-C & D since 2002.
    • Gallbladder removed 2007.
    • Went dairy-free about 2 months ago once I connected the dots to it causing major stomach and acne issues.
    • Still have stomach issues.

Played around with paleo this time last year, met my sugar-loving boyfriend and dived into dating/happiness eating. Last week, boyfriend admitted he was 20 pounds from his all-time high weight, I'm at my all-time high weight. Decided to bounce back into paleo by committing to our first Whole 30. Fruits and veggies come from an organic co-op(twice a month) and most meats come from a local farm(bi-monthly delivery) cause Texas believes in beef ;-)

First 5 days have been pretty easy for me, thinking only because I have already gone through cheese withdrawals. Boyfriend was a pain on days 2-3, but seemed to come out of his sugar withdrawals yesterday.

Day 5 eating:

B-Coconut milk mixed with coffee. Prosciutto and 1 date (came with veggie co-op and don't want them to go bad, so eating one a day).

L - Boiled shrimp, spaghetti squash crumbled bacon

D - Ground steak, salad(romaine, tomatoes, avocado) with homemade balsamic vinaigrette

Snacks (if needed) - cashews and an apple.

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Welcome. I'm glad you're here!

I'm pretty sure you need to eat more... a lot more. Prosciutto typically comes in sheets, so I am betting you did not have a portion as big as the palm of your hand. That's the standard for protein at EACH meal - at least as big as the palm of your hand. And you can have 2 palm-size portions if you need it to keep from being hungry between meals. The other standards are to cook your veggies with a measure of fat as large as your thumb and to fill the rest of your plate - after laying down that palm-size portion of protein - with veggies.

Many people try to lose weight by eating as little as possible. That makes your metabolism slow down and makes weight loss slower and not faster. Be sure to eat three good-size meals with protein, fat, and veggies and you will be setting yourself up for success.

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Yeah, I know that is an issue with my breakfasts. Pre-Whole 30 my breakfast literally was just a soy latte from Starbucks. I'm trying to work up to bigger portions. I did boiled eggs for Weds-Saturday and that over-egged me, so I'm looking to other proteins to try to give myself some variety.

Will definitely pack something heartier for tomorrow! Thanks!

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I had a followup appt with my doc yesterday, which lead to an unintentional step on the scale. Definitely saw some loss over the previous month, but not posting because that's not the main goal of my Whole 30. My BP has always been pretty good, but yesterday it was a lovely 122/64 :)

B: 2 egg omelet with diced ham, tomatoes, onions and mushrooms

L: Smoked Turkey (1/2 lb) with cucumber salad dressed in olive oil and vinegar

D: Kalua pork (from Nom Nom), roasted acorn squash, apple and almond butter

Need to head to the store...maybe during lunch hour to stock up on more coconut milk...I miss it already!

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