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Time to get better


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Hello Forum, I am here because it's time to take another step in getting better. I have come a long way in conquering depression and eating disorders, and I feel like this is a good way for me to hit a very real "reset" button. I have trouble following through with something when I'm only accountable to myself, so I'm hoping the good old internet will help me reach my goals. Day one is tomorrow, but here's to feeling better starting this minute.


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Good morning, day 4! Yesterday I learned how to cook a steak. See, this is working wonders for my domestic skills too. I need to work on breakfast variety... I love scrambled eggs, but it might start getting old. Anyone got any favorites?

I thought I would have trouble being tempted by my roommate's food, but so far, it hasn't been a problem. I just tell myself it's not an option right now so there isn't even a decision to be made. It's kinda nice, actually... you get to ditch the whole "should I have this?" internal dilemma and move on. To steak.

Thanks so much to people for your well wishes. A lovely inspiration.

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whew... got stuck in a work tidal wave for a few days there. I've surfaced! Goal starting tomorrow is to do a better job with an actual log. I've been feeling good but admittedly a little tired and drag-y at the gym... probably need to be more cognizant of carb intake. Other than sweet potatoes which I already <3, what does the trick for folks?

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Try and eat veggies with every meal. Even as a snack once in awhile. Maybe bacon wrapped asparagus? Yum! Even if you don't keep up a log here due to being busy with work, maybe try to log it in your phone. That's what I do. Some days I work 12 hours and don't want to log into the forum to track my food but since I have it in my blackberry I can just add it when I have time! Keep up the good work!

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