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My Whole30 8 May - 6 June

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I had a baby in September 2016. I joined Slimming World in November 2016 and lost 1 stone 10.5lbs, all my baby weight. And then I ground to a halt. For the last 5 months I have bounced up and down a pound or two and I'm frustrated. So I need to reset my system and get my head back in the game. I've decided to do a Whole30 to get myself thinking about real food not processed food again. I did a Whole30 about 5 years ago and felt great (and lost 10lbs), so I am hoping to repeat the process.

Potential Obstacles

Training days for work - I'm doing some travelling and training straight off the bat (but decided that wasn't an excuse to eat crap!). So I need to prepare some healthy lunches to take with me.

Baby weaning - I'm weaning my 7 month old at the moment and have a tendency to taste test his food .... need to reign that in if it's not Whole30 compatible.

Bulimia - I've never been officially diagnosed but I have started falling into the trap of trying to make myself sick after unhealthy meals (I did this for 2 years in my 20s and have been battling it ever since). I am hoping with the focus on healthy whole foods I can get myself to stop before it gets out of hand.

Sweet tooth - I have a major sweet tooth so need to really watch myself.

My husband! - He's not following the programme with me but he does a lot of the cooking, so I need to get him to understand the principles so I can stay on track.

Work - I'm officially back to work starting 16 May after maternity leave so have to start thinking about preparing lunches 3 days a week to take with me that I can eat quickly.

Going to stock up the cupboards this weekend with food, and plan some meals out.

Here we go!

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Starting Day 3 today! I managed to get through Days 1 and 2 with no problems even though I was out training (and yesterday they provided biscuits!). I remembered to take lots of food for lunch and stayed on track. Feeling much better after two days of no grains or dairy etc ... Although I've already eaten all my salad! Need to buy some more.

Today should be no different except I'm at work today so have to prepare lunch again.

Plus, having a decent breakfast in the morning helps me get through.

Measurement wise I don't have a tape measure so can't take body measurements but I'm going to use the scale as my guide. So Day 1 I weighed myself and in the morning I was 14 Stone 4.5 lbs. My goal is to avoid the scale from now until June 6th as I'm getting a little addicted to it.

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Day 5 and I'm doing pretty well. A little slip last night as hubby prepared dinner and forgot I was doing the Whole30. As I was hungry and we didn't have anything else to eat I opted to have what he made but ate extra salad and had extra meat to fill up (it was a lasagne).

Not quite managing to avoid the scales but I have reduced the amount of time I spend worrying about it. I feel less bloated and people have started commenting that I'm looking great. That's the best motivation.

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5 hours ago, vickistrudders said:

Day 5 and I'm doing pretty well. A little slip last night as hubby prepared dinner and forgot I was doing the Whole30. As I was hungry and we didn't have anything else to eat I opted to have what he made but ate extra salad and had extra meat to fill up (it was a lasagne).

Not quite managing to avoid the scales but I have reduced the amount of time I spend worrying about it. I feel less bloated and people have started commenting that I'm looking great. That's the best motivation.

Eating lasagna (cheese? pasta?) isn't a little slip. It will undo any gut reset you had going. You are only on Day 5. Are you going to restart? 

Also, not weighing is also one of the rules, just like no dairy and no grains, so following that rule helps develop a healthier relationship with the scale.


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Yesterday was awful! No time to organise food to take with me and food availability was dreadful. Did my best but definitely not W30 after breakfast.

No I'm not restarting from day 1 ... I'm dusting myself off and continuing. A journey often has a few backward steps, doesn't mean it's a failure.

This W30 may not be perfect but its my journey not yours, for all those who are worrying about it :)

Will likely do another round after this one implementing all the things I learn. At the moment though I am feeling good, sleeping better and have more energy. I can't ask for more than that right now.

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