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I am following the AI protocol, can I still eat/use coconuts?

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I have a very serious autoimmune disease so I have just started the whole 30 using the AI protocol (1 week now). Unfortunately not feeling as well as I hoped. But was wondering if I have to stop using coconut oil and eating coconut since nuts are off limits (I sure hope not).

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I don't know. Some authorities say coconuts are not nuts - they are drupes - but other authorities say they are tree nuts. Here is an interesting article... http://foodallergies.about.com/od/nutallergies/f/coconutallergy.htm

Here is a link to an autoimmune protocol that Melissa Joulwan followed recently.... http://www.thepaleomom.com/2012/05/modifying-paleo-for-autoimmune.html. She mentions it here... http://www.theclothesmakethegirl.com/2012/11/02/autoimmune-protocol-experiment/.

I might avoid coconut products just to be safe, but I have no expertise in this area.

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