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To start, I want to admit that I am breaking a couple of the recommendations during my Whole 30.  I am weighing myself.  I also just realized that my Applegate Turkey has carrageenan in it.  I'm not starting over. There now that that's out of the way ...

I work for WW as a Weight Loss Coach & Leader.  Therefore, I have chosen to continue to weigh myself and track my food under the WW point system during my Whole 30. It's a space that I literally LIVE in and am comfortable here. Weighing myself doesn't create any anxiety at all. I've also been tracking my food for 8 years using their website & app so it's like second nature. I would be really hard to break that habit, and since I consider it a good habit, I don't even want to do that.

Today is actually my Day 8 - the first day of my second week.  I started a week ago on Monday after reading the book over the weekend. My goals in doing Whole 30: 1) kick the sugar habit, 2) stop consuming artificial sweeteners, 3) eliminate processed foods, 4) eat more veggies.

Overall, my first week has been really great. I had a slight headache on day 2. I was pretty sleepy in the beginning of the week, but the last two days I've naturally stayed awake later than normal. I'm waking up feeling a little perkier already. I dropped around 4 pounds.  It was yesterday that I realized that the Applegate turkey I bought has carrageenan in it. &%$#. Stupid mistake! I was so hyper-focused on looking for sugar that I failed to read that 11-letter word when it was right there on the label. So what do I do now? I don't have the ability to throw out $24 of otherwise really healthy food. I've decided to keep eating it. The way I figure, this additive doesn't take me away from my primary goals.  I will be more diligent about everything else I buy going forward. When the turkey is all gone, I'll restart my clock and do another full thirty days after that to get the carrageenan out of my system which is why I titled my post "My 30+30".  So then I'm not really breaking the rules after all, am I? I'm just easing into my not yet determined official start date. :D

BTW, have Y'all been in any of the Whole 30 Groups on Facebook? Yikes. Those people are intense and strange. They give each other all kinds of bad advice. I left all those groups in favor of the Forum.


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 Im in week 3 of Whole30..its nice to know that others have not been 100% compliant...lets be honest its difficult, and many of us have different goals, I decided not to stress about being 100% compliant, but focus on doing the best I could do and keep continuing through..

most of us seem to want to eat clean, fresh, cut out processed foods, cut down on carbs, get rid of sugar cravings, and loose  a little weight...My primary goal. some things I find extremely difficult are : 1. working out and balancing when to eat, like many athletes, we need fuel in different forms, and sometimes that may mean an extra piece of fruit than reccommeded. I also find it difficult when socializing, . dining out....how do I know what addittives are in the turkey burgers? even when I ask for spinach in place of a bun..again, being realistic, in my mind Ive complied..one can simply not worry about "carrageenan " for this moment.  I also choose to weigh myself weekly. Its something I have always done, this is realisitc for me, maybe not others..but this works for me,,Im down 5 and was hoping for close to 10 by the end of the program. i guess Im in for the long hall of good health, and positive changes. glad I found this forum.

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  • 3 weeks later...

On around day 21 I totally fell off the wagon. Hard. I knew I was messing up my Whole 30 but decided it would be OK and worth it because there was a very special event and I would just restart at Day 1 the next day. Problem is, I've been off the wagon now for almost a week and I've gained back the 6 pounds I lost during the three I was following W30. This was a poor decision and I really regret it now. I am really bummed out. but will pick myself up and start again.

I learned that I am definitely a potato chip addict.  Chips are a gateway drug for me.  Will I need to break up with chips forever to have a healthy mindset? Maybe.

I am 100% back on Whole 30 tomorrow, giving myself the day today to go shopping and be prepared. I am hoping to be compliant today too.  I will begin food logging here tomorrow. <3

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Hey Mg606.

Having been a WW'er for most of my adult life, I totally get the comfort that weekly weighing brings. And as a leader, you're probably even more comfortable with it. But I've got to tell you - it is amazing to let that go and just eat.

Are you planning to count points on your Whole30? I would encourage you so much to not do that if you can (I don't know what your obligations are as a leader - is that possible?). It really is a different experience to just eat what your body needs and not worry about attaching a numerical value to it.

Anyway, I don't want to stand up on a soapbox here - I'm just finishing my first W30, so I'm certainly no expert - but I wanted to chime in as a fellow WWer and say how great it can be to let go of the points and just do what your body says.

Good luck, no matter what you choose! :)

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Hi @MeeshKB - thanks for the message. I am "required" to weigh in once per month. Beyond that, I just need to represent the company well and demonstrate that I am living the program. I could do this several different ways as there is SO much flexibility at WW!  Our Simply Filling approach would probably allow me to truly follow Whole 30 by the letter - after all... there's no rule that says I have to LOOK at the scale when I do my weigh in.  OR if I time it right, I'd just weigh in on day one and day 31.  I'll have to think about it a little.  Maybe I am approaching it wrong.  Hmmm...

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I totally forgot about Simply Filling! Funny - I never tried it all the time is was available because I felt like I needed the structure of points, and wouldn't be able to regulate my eating without it. Look at me now! :)

Would you be able to get enough healthy fats in on SF with your weeklies? If so, that might be a great way to blend the two programs.

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