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Round 2 (after a two month break)


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Day 1: June 20, 2017

I began the whole 30 around March 13 at 229 lbs and successfully lost 9 pounds.

In the past two months, I've gained 4 of those lbs back as I looked at the scale and saw 224lbs.  After a terrible sugar crash yesterday where, after a healthy dinner had two bowls of sweetened popcorn, 1/2 a chocolate/hazelnut bar, a peanut protein bar, and 3 cookies and milk, I concluded that had fallen off the wagon.

I simply could not turn off the switch and stop eating.

My primary motivation for getting back on the whole30 relates to my training for the upcoming San Francisco Marathon.  I want to cross the starting line at 215 lbs dang it!!!!!!!

The Whole30 will give me the discipline to have that opportunity.  I will also be getting bloodwork in early July prior to visiting my doctor for a check-up prior to running the SF Marathon.

Meal 1:

Had two fried eggs (avocado oil), pan fried cup of spinach and chopped white mushrooms, a sliced avocado, glass of OJ, glass of coffee and a 3 ounce serving of lemon chicken picatta (leftover from yesterday).

Meal 2:

to be determined

Meal 3;

to be determined


WIll decide and update here.  Glad to be back!!!!

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