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Try #3


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Today I'm starting my Whole30 over for a second time. Unanticipated events have thrown me off.

The first time I was derailed because I planned to do this with my brother. When we met up with all our family at a wedding, we were doing really well, ordering salads off the menu and avoiding non-approved snacks. I am proud to say I avoided alcohol the whole weekend. However, my brother gave in to alcohol and he and the rest of my brothers ordered pizza later. I gave in and ate 3 pieces. The next day I got back on track immediately, but knew I had to "start over."

The second time I was doing fine but was derailed by diarrhea. I have a lot of work as a PhD student and just came back from a weekend-long conference full of talks. The next day, I needed to meet a group to work on homework, so in the morning I quickly made a nice salad with vegetables and organic chicken to eat for lunch. To my chagrin, all my effort led to nothing but severe diarrhea. Some of the vegetables must have been in my fridge for too long. I had put so much effort into sticking to Whole30 this weekend that it felt "unfair." On the way home, I was too annoyed and tired to cook a sweet potato and instead opted for the non-Whole30 cure: I bought a box of Ritz crackers from the convenience store on my way home.

One thing that makes Whole30 seem really effortful for me is that I don't eat red meat, and only eat free-range, organic white meats. This limits me from buying meals with meat while I'm out. However, because I eat meat, I don't eat beans and other legumes allowed for vegetarians. Thus, when I'm out and can't purchase food other than salad with vegetables, I have found myself eating way too many nuts and fruits. I need to figure out how I can deal with those dangerous in-between meal times that doesn't take too much preparation and doesn't result in eating crazy amounts of nuts and fruits! I have though about ordering some organic Turkey Jerky, but again, I feel kind of sick if I eat too much meat too fast.

This is mainly to share my struggles. I have already felt the benefits of Whole30. Last week, even though I pulled 2 all-nighters, my mind was surprisingly clear and able to push forward on all the work I needed to complete. Thus, I am motivated to keep trying until I get this right.

This time, I clearly need to figure out how preparation can meet my hectic, unpredictable schedule. I also need to find non-nut, non-fruit snack foods. I am posting to the forum as a way to get additional support I didn't have the last times. I have another conference in a week and a half and am worried how I can prepare for that. Of course, Thanksgiving is after that. :) Any advice would be much appreciated!

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Homemade chicken jerky? Kale chips for snack? You don't need to eat very much jerky very fast to get the benefits. I know it says to eat 3 meals and not snack, but in extenuating circumstances, I would think you could eat small amounts of jerky over the course of the day to stave off the hunger that would make you choose snacks that were less healthy.

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You didn't mention how you are about seafood. I could go a long time with canned tuna, salmon, and sardines. I thought sardines were disgusting until I watched a colleague eat them on a salad in his office a few times. I finally tried them and found I actually liked them.

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I second the Kale Chips idea! I put cajun seasoning (a mix I made myself) on them with olive oil and bake for 10 minutes at 350. I also have been taking chicken breasts and cutting them into smaller pieces so I can eat them as a snack. Celery with almond butter is great, and I have also really enjoyed eating a small handful of black olives when I feel like snacking. Good luck to you.

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