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Hannah's november log


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So, I feel like I have to enter some words in a log. Just to encourage myself and get an overwiew of what I actually eat during the days. I started on 5/11 so it is actually day three today.

I have been eating mostly paleo for the last two months, but I have had some off road trips that have lead - as a fellow W30'er said - far into the jungle. My body is clearly confused after these BAD jungle trips, so now I am low on energy, feeling bloated etc etc. My hypothyroid condition is not making these things better i guess ;)

I will not recap what I have eaten the previous days, just starting from this day:

B: Coffee, coconut milk w/ homemade caveman crunch (compliant), frosen berries and coconut oil. Water.

L: Frying onion, leftover salmon, beets, carrots - ghee. Water.

D: Reheated veggies from lunch (I was so full, didn't manage it all) - chicken,fresh green salad and bell peppers.

Things to be better at :

  • More veggies
  • More and even more water.
  • Fresh air (excercising) three times a week mountain hiking or running
  • Better sleep - this is a bit tricky, my back hurts and my kids are occupying the bed and this keeps me awake

Mood: earlier today was crappy. So has the previous days been. Bloated, tired, slow working, lazy..You name it. But somehow I feel mood is rising. Hoping it is keeping upwards.

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Well Kris, I have just now (after making the crunch) learned about SWYPO, so I guess I better leave it to rest - at least when doing W30. It is made of flax seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, almond meal, coconut, cinnamon. Pinch of salt. I have left out the honey and sweets. Roasted in the oven.

Soo good î I have to eat this portion I've made, but after that I'll let it be î…

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DAY 5!

(Why did I write day three yesterday?)

B: 08:30 -my last meal with caveman crunch with berries, coconutmilk, - oil cinnamon. Coffee. This left me full and satisfied until lunch time at 13:30.

L: stir-fried mushrooms, bell peppers, chicken, one fried egg. Ghee. Green salad.

D: rest of chicken, ghee, veggies ( I was in a hurry) Felt full and satisfied.

Have been drinking lots of water. No excercise today.

Mood: feeling a bit better, a bit more energetic. I am positive.

Have visitors tonight (MIL). She is ok with my awkward eating but not to "yippiaiei". I have arranged chocolate for her together with strawberries, cream and sugar. I may have some strawberries with coconut milk, but I am actually satisfied without.


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DAY 6 Short Recap

B: huevos rancheros: two eggs, one avocado and stir-fried onion, bell pepper and tomatoes, in ghee.

L: chicken thigh, sauteed tomatoes etc from breakfast and green salad, evoo.

D: made it in a rush because of lack of time, was heading off working for a party arrangement - two poached eggs, one avocado and some green salad. Ghee in between.

S: at the party: steamed, smoked sheep head with mashed "kålrot" I don't know the word in english. It was delicious.

Mood : very ok, had the urge to run today but had no time to. Still I am sticking to the plan :)

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Here in Norway dried, smoked sheep head is a culinary dish. You either hate it or love it. It is a bit gross though, when the head (NB brain removed, it is the "exterior" of the skull and chin) is lying there on the plate staring at you... Tempted? ;)

SWYPO - I have just learned it my self where the letters stand for: Sex with your pants on. :)

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B: Stir fried onion, mushroom, bell pepper in ghee, two eggs in an omelette. Water and coffe

D:Cooked lamb, swede/rutabaga, carrots, half sweet potato w ghee. Strawberries w/coconut cream for dessert.

PreWO: handful of nuts

PostWO:one boiled egg

S: one more egg and some strawberries with coconutmilk, cinnamon on top. Cup of tea.

Was out for a run - it was delicious but a bit hard in the end.

Mood : excellent, but I get a bit disturbed when people around me are making comments like "oh, but you cannot eat that, can you?" "well I can just pass this cake right forward because you don't eat any sugar anymore" "doesn't you eat sugar?" "no, she doesn't eat anything"..And I am opening my mouth to say something really wise, but I close it again and let them talk along. They don't hear anyway.

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Sometimes I wish I had some intolerances to blame on. I guess they don't see why I am doing this, I am a average woman - and get "if you aren't overweight then why bother to do this"- kind of comments. Food, sweets, dairy and grains are traditional, social, and I think they get offended and maybe even hurt when I restain this foundational and socially/including settings. I think it is kind of confusing/disturbing their rhytm. :rolleyes:

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Yeah it's hard... My husband pointed out "helpfully" a few weeks ago that I was eating rather a lot of meat! He is fine with bacon and eggs for breakfast but thinks its odd to eat steak! Go figure. Its not a coincidence that I started my whole30 when he is away for 2 weeks!

I was vegetarian for many years and had my gall bladder out at 24... And it's true I can't tolerate a lot of meat or protein or fat..... When I am eating grains and sugar! But the whole9 balance seems to work!

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Juzbo : Similar to you I also does this when my husband is away (4 weeks), he is supportive, but I think he just wait for me to break out and start with old habits again. As a co-worker said to a friend of mine when she started low carb diet: "when are you going to eat normal again?"

About your gall bladder - how fascinating how our body works. You can eat fat and protein when you are on W9, but not when sugar and grains is added in your diet? Don't you feel that is a good indicator in continuing this lifestyle? I think it would have for me, it kind of shows what the body want and don't.

Bratdoll: LOL It is totally normal to me, but I understand that many get the creeps over this dish. Google pics of smalahove and you may get some disturbing visions :P

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Oh what did I eat today?

B: 1/3 cucumber sliced and cooked with 1/2 onion, bell peppers, two eggs fried in ghee

L: Eggplant hole in the head from my paleo cook-book. Added 1 tomato, some cucumber.

D: Lamb meat leftovers, carrots, handful of spinach. Ghee. Three strawberries w coconut oil and a Tbsp coconut cream leftovers

Evening: Tea

I'll pick up liver and ground beef from the freezer for tomorrow, I'm planning on making burgers. I think I need some more good meat / food that is rich on iron. I have noticed that my mouth edges easily become sore while I am on W30. I have a idea that I am in lack of something.

Mood : Getting things done. The best part is that I am MUCH more calmer and not so stressed when my kids are running around -playing/yelling/teasing at each other.

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About your gall bladder - how fascinating how our body works. You can eat fat and protein when you are on W9, but not when sugar and grains is added in your diet? Don't you feel that is a good indicator in continuing this lifestyle? I think it would have for me, it kind of shows what the body want and don't.

Yeah, seriously it's a major revelation.... And convinces me that this is MY normal diet, just didn't know it untill now. I came here via the sock-doc.com and drgangemi website which showed how you could used diet to fix a crook gall bladder... Based on fixing hormone issues... Wish I knew that then... It's all related to diet in some way or another. The great thing about this is that fads come and go but you can never say eating real food like our ancestors did for thousands of years is a fad!

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B: Chicken filet handful, one beet, three carrots, some coconut milk- Coconut oil + ghee.

L: More chicken filet cant remmber what I had with - ah, I think it was omelette, spinach, one tomato, and some leftover eggplants from yesterday. Can you imagine - I remembered :rolleyes:

D: Really in a hurry - meal. One of my DRYYY liverburgers, had to force it down, heated with ghee and carrot. Big glass of water.

Evening: cup of tea and handfull of walnuts

I am heading for my in-laws until tomorrow. Bringing some emergency food, canned fish, some vegetables. I thought of bringing a pair of my right-out-of-the-oven liver-burgers, but they stink a bit so I better leave them for my self. I hope it will go smooth and without the big discussions. I know I'll be fine, I know I can stay without the big meals for a short while. We'll be back tomorrow evening.

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DAY 10

Came home from my in-laws now in the evening.

B: MIL had some vegetables, cooked them and made an omelette of two eggs. Used evoo in lack of other fats to use.

D: Vegetables, fish, onion.

Snack when kids are going to sleep: alot of nuts - Hungry and have to wait a bit to make a proper meal. I want Sweet potato fritters.

Supper: OMG these sweet potato fritters was delicious... Ate one liverburger with some tomato, cucumber first, then the fritters, wanted to be finished with the nasty stuff first (hate to throw food, have to eat those liverburgers). Coconut oil. Water.

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Thanks Juzbo! EVOO = Extra virgin olive oil - you may have heard of it before ;) One week almost - you are doing great, it is two weeks before you even know it. How do you feel so far?

I feel I'm using to little time in cooking, I have too much meals prepared like "I'll take what I have in the refrigerator/freezer". I guess that is economic, I got so tired of all the cooking when I was getting into this, but it is a little boring because I end up eating almost the same thing each day. My husband comes home friday so I may make up a weekly plan next week, to make our dinners more familyfriendly - so we all can eat together.

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Day 11

B: one big (growing-in-my-mouth) liver burger, sauteed beets, a bit sweet potato, tomato, cucumber, coconut oil. Lots of water.

L: Tuna salad, rest of beets from breakfast. Lot of greens, bell pepper, zucchini in evoo.

D: Turned out to be in a hurry today as well. Salad leftovers with canned sardins in evoo.

Evening: cup of tea

I am asthmatic and have noticed my breath being a bit more heavy than usual later. I don't know what it could be in my diet but I am trying to cut the coconut milk for a week.

Question referring that: I don't know if that also means cutting out the coconut oil as well? :huh:

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DAY 12

B: Omelette (2 eggs), bell peppers, zucchini, onion, one small liverburger. Water. Coconut oil.

L: Salad, bell pepper, 2 raw thinly sliced carrots, evoo, two soft boiled eggs on top with ghee melted on.. mmm :)

D: Beef, vegetables, ghee

Snack: one egg

Evening snack: waay to much walnuts. Coconut cream, berries and cinnamon.

I think I have to cut the coconut oil as well - if I am going to test what I'm reacting on.

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Oh Juzbo thank you! I appreciate it. I have been compliant but I was soo close, longing to the chips-bag and I felt the smell and taste of it. Now I am proud of my self, only a bit to full of nuts. I'm gonna get some ugly acne from them..;)

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Thanks Juzbo! EVOO = Extra virgin olive oil - you may have heard of it before ;) One week almost - you are doing great, it is two weeks before you even know it. How do you feel so far?

Sorry, missed the above. Yeah I use evoo just didn't know it lol. I used to have this as my main fat along with nuts and seeds. I think these are omega 6's and therefore can contribute to inflammation which has been a big problem of mine... Skin issues, mood and cravings, and too much anaerobic stress. Going much better than I thought replacing them with the sat fats omega 3's? Coconut, ghee, eggs etc. amazing how much better my skin and body feels! I still have nuts but about 30g a day... Keeping that dragon on a short leash! My skin is pretty good, up to about 80% from about 50% which I am happy with. I am certainly losing fat. Appetite is better although I think I am entering into the... Snacking zone.. Sleep is way off, wanted to sleep in till 7am today but woke up at 5! Stomach/bowel is still pretty much irritated not sure if it's fish or just the changes, have ruled out fruit now at least as a cause.

I notice I am having three serves out of a meal with hubby away and finding that a bit boring as well but I am getting around it by making a few variations or having a couple on the go at a time. Eg made a base dish with mince and veg. Used some in a baked pumpkin dish, using some in San choi bao(do you have that? Lettuce cups) and any left over will have as a breakfast dish, might also add some into an ommelette. Made a big pot of clear soup and had some with poached eggs in for one meal, now to come up with something clever for the rest!

I have till Thursday before we are back to family meals, that will nearly be the half way mark... Not that I am really thinking about stopping yet. It's been easier than I thought as I had already detoxed a lot! That said I think my challenges are still coming!

So stay strong as an inspiration for me please!!

A final note, maybe the evoo makes your asthma worse? And nuts? Since they can contribute to inflammation? Just a thought. Have a great day/night.

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