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does your skin get worse before it gets better?

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Hi all! I want to say this is my second Whole30. I did a full Whole30 a few years ago and since then I've attempted a second one repeatedly, failing every time. Well, I finally quit drinking (for good) and I've been successful at that so I'm feeling strong enough (mentally) to commit to a real second attempt. I really believe I can do it. I've just ended day 4, much longer than my previous attempts! 

Last time around my skin didn't get this bad so I'm trying to figure out if it's hormones or something else. I've red breakouts on my cheeks (not a normal place for me to breakout, even during PMS). Last time my skin didn't get bad, but it did start looking amazing after a week or so. I'm just wondering how common is it that my skin would seem to get worse during the first week of this program. Anyone have a similar experience? 

Thanks in advance for your help. 

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Wow, you've made some impressive strides!!

Yes, skin often gets worse before it gets better. Though it's always prudent to check in with what you are eating - anything new, or more than you're used to eating of a particular food? Also, please list a few days of your food so we can see if we can spot anything.

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