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Reintro Log


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Hi All,

 I've been through a few rounds of Whole 30 and the reintroduction phase, but I've never done the reintro as thoroughly as I've wanted to.  This time, that's all going to change!


Today, I reintroduced legumes.  I had a serving of peanut butter with breakfast and 1/2 cup of black beans with lunch and dinner, since those are the main legumes present in my diet pre-whole 30.  I'm starting to think I may have to wait until the end of my reintroduction and try them again because I have had a dull, incredibly annoying headache the majority of the day.  I tend to get stress/tension headaches though, and the last two weeks have been two of the more stressful weeks of the year, as far as my job goes.  This week specifically, I'm a little shorter on sleep than I typically tend to be as well.


What were some of your reactions to legumes or peanuts, in particular?

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