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Katie C.'s Whole 30 log


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DAY 1 -- felt easy (though I wasn't totally whole 30 compliant with breakfast):

Breakfast: 2 slices Whole Foods Deli Turkey, few almonds, few berries

Lunch: big ol' salad with spinach, romaine, beets, carrots, peppers, chicken, olive oil and balsamic.

Dinner: Grilled steak, roasted sweet potatoes (w/olive oil and spices), steam/sauteed broccoli and onions (w/coconut oil and spices)

DAY 2 -- still feeling good (though need to make sure I'm not too reliant on Lara bars..)

Breakfast: 2 eggs with 2 tbsp avocado; banana

Lunch: leftover steak, sweet potatoes, broccoli and onions

Snack: lara bar, carrots

Dinner: Whole Foods butcher chicken sausage, kale chips (w/olive oil and spices), roasted sweet potatoes (w/olive oil & spices)

DAY 3 -- No energy! So tired! So hungry! (Ate way too many snacks today -- I felt super CRAVEY and might have quit had my darling husband not intervened and kept me going!)

Breakfast: 2 eggs with 2 tbsp avocado, blueberries (have since committed to NOT eating fruit for breakfast)

Snack: orange, almonds

Lunch: 1/2 chicken sausage, steam/sauteed spinach & onions, leftover sweet potatoes

Snack: banana with almond butter and unsweetened apple butter; blueberries

Dinner: grilled steak, mashed cauliflower (from Well Fed), raw red pepper

DAY 4 -- woke up and felt...better! Less cravey, more in control. Thanks again to the husband for the intervention last night!

Breakfast: leftover 1/2 chicken sausage, sweet potatoes, spinach, onion & 2 slices deli turkey

Snack: Banana, carrots and homemade baba ghanoush (from Well Fed)

Late Lunch: salad with romaine, cuke, orange pepper, avocado, chicken, olive oil & balsamic

Dinner: chicken, steam/sauteed onion & spinach, leftover mashed cauliflower, blueberries
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Hang in there...it will get better. It is tough at first, but worth it.

Double check your fat and protein portions...make sure you are getting enough. For example, you wrote you had 2 tbsp avocado. Don't be afraid to have a half or even a whole avocado. This should help with satiety and may help with cravings.

Hope this helps. Keep logging and let us know how you are doing.

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Carie -- thank you! I have no problem eating more fat and protein!

DAY 5:

Breakfast: 3 eggs scrambled into sauteed onions and peppers (in coconut oil with salt and peper), topped with tomatillo salsa

More to come!

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DAY 5:

Dinner (in two parts): started with a banana, 2 tbsp almond butter, 1 tbsp apple butter (I know, I know -- I was crashing and I made a bad choice). 90 minutes later came 2 grilled hamburger patties, roasted sweet potato wedges (w/olive oil, salt & garlic pepper), sauteed broccil and onions (cooked w/a little coconut oil, salt & pepper).

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DAY 6:

Breakfast: 3 slices deli turkey, Lara Bar

Lunch: romaine, cuke, avocado (1/4th), leftover burger crumbled on top, with olive oil and balsamic; pineapple & strawberries

Dinner: leftover sweet potatoes, brocolli, onions, and 1.5 burgers

Dinner 2: .5 burger, spoon of almond butter, spoon of apple butter (no sugar)

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Day 7:

Before I launch into the day's eats, I'd like to share an observation:

Before starting this gastronomic adventure, I felt manically compelled to exercise every day. The fervor to get a workout in as soon as I woke up came from feeling guilty over what I ate the day before. I felt like I needed to catch up, to atone for what I'd eaten.

Since starting the Whole 30 (all of 7 days ago), I feel good about my body all the time--not just after working out and "catching up" to my food intake. This feeling is new for me, and I love it. Because I don't feel compelled to work out for atonement, I have found freedom to listen to my body more than I ever have before, to run if I feel like running, to climb when that's what sounds right, and to rest as necessary.

I can't overstate the novelty of these feelings. The irony is, of course, that my workouts and activities are "clicking" like never before. I'm more engaged as a runner, climber, mountain biker, and pilates student. I'm awestruck by the effect this nutritional change has had on my moods and athletics--in less than a week! Many thanks to the whole Whole 30 team for making this revelation a possibility for me!

Now for the nitty-gritty:

Breakfast: 3 eggs scrambled with tomatilla salsa and sauteed peppers and onions (cooled in coconut oil, salt & pepper)

Lunch: big mixed greens salad with cuke, pepper, beets, carrots, rosemary grilled chicken, & 1/3 avocado, all topped with olive oil and balsamic; banana

Snack: Lara bar

More to come...
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DAY 8:

Breakfast: 2.5 eggs with sauteed onions. peppers, brocolli (cookked with coconut oil, s&p), topped with 1/3 avocado

Lunch: big salad with romaine, roasted chicken, bacon, tomatoes, avocado, olive oil and balsamic

The rest of the day went bad. I'll spare you the details, but it started with diet root beer (what?) and ended with tortilla chips. Not acceptable. Ugh. Starting over tomorrow.

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I lied -- rather than sparing you the details, I'll explain what happened in hopes of getting some insight and avoiding the same mistake in the future.

I'd planned a long weekend of climbing and mountain biking in Moab (this is pretty common -- we travel almost every weekend to bike and climb). Upon realizing that I wouldn't be able to rely on my standard fuel sources (Honey Stinger, Clif Blocks, tortilla chips, pizza, and wine), I cooked a whole mess o' Whole 30 compliant food on Thursday night, in advance of Friday afternoon's departure.

Friday dawned yielding one emergency after another; after a stressful day, I found myself feeling drained, hungry, and frustrated that none of the Whole 30 food I'd made (or the masses of other Whole 30 food available to me at the numerous organic food shops in town) sounded appealing to me. Those hater feelings snowballed in annoyance that I couldn't enjoy a "normal" weekend, then (admittedly) slightly grossed out feelings over the amount of meat I've been consuming--and would continue to consume for the forseeable future.

So I snapped, grabbed some french fries and a milkshake (which was disgusting and got trashed after a couple sips), and pronounced (to myself, in my car) that I no longer cared.

Obviously, that was a lie. I do still care, and I do want to make the nutritional choice that will put me in a ready state for a weekend of biking and climbing, a week of office work, or whatever else comes at me. But I also feel mildly frustrated that my choice so deviates from the norm (though I do run in a crowd of cave-people, and my own husband is the most helpful, supportive partner I could hope for).

Compounding factors led me to give up and cave in yesterday:

  • Guilt that even though I had a plethora of healthy options, I craved shitty food.
  • Annoyance that I had to change a system I was so comfortable and familiar with (grabbing a slice of pizza after a bike ride)
  • Embarrassment that my life is luxurious enough to let such trivial matters send me into a tailspin (the option of too MANY food choices? Talk about first-world problems).
  • Stress at work, tiredness at the end of a long week, and trying to make decisions in a mentally and emotionally compromised state

But today is a new day--DAY 1 of my second go at the Whole 30. And as I consider what this commitment looks like through more experienced eyes, I have a new perspective of what situations will challenge me (travel, fueling during athletics), and a new plan to tackle those challenges (don't worry about things that haven't happened yet--who knows? Maybe a plate of meatloaf and veggies would have tasted great after a long ride).

Thank you for providing this forum, where I feel like the above rant might be understood.

Onward. My Whole 30 Redux.

DAY 1:

Breakfast: 3 eggs scrambled with sauteed onions and peppers, topped with avocado.

Lunch: 12 raw almonds, 3 meatballs (whole 30-approved), apple

Snack: banana with almond butter and apple butter

Dinner: turkey meatloaf (Whole 30-approved), roasted sweet potato wedges, sauteed onions, peppers, and brocolli

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DAY 2:

Breakfast: 3 eggs scrambled with hot sauce and topped with avocado

Lunch: 4 slices deli turkey rolled around jicama and orange pepper strips, baba ganoush; banana

Snack: Lara bar

Dinner: Turkey meatloaf, spaghetti sqash roasted and sauteed in olive oil, garlic and basil with onions, peppers, and wilted spinach


One Lara bar was not enough for for today's hilly, technical, 17-mile mountain bike ride. I didn't quite bonk, but I sort of pre-bonked--got the telltale cramps in my quads (maybe I screamed a little). As I was pedaling along after working out the kinks, I tried to think of other ideas for ride fuel that would be Whole 30 compliant and palatable during exertion (that's kind of the hard part--my tummy can't take a lot in the saddle).

I'm wondering if a mashed banana with almond butter would be a good choice, either in lieu of or (on longer rides) in addition to the aforementioned Lara Bar. Or maybe this is a good time for applesauce or baby food?

Does anyone have any feedback or input? I ride about 70 miles per week, and proper fueling is beginning to emerge as a Whole 30 crux for me.


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Hey Katie-

I really enjoy reading your log...we have some very similar feelings. I have always been a huge exerciser and, consequently, a huge eater. I just started my whole30, made it 2 days, then had to start over. At least you made it 8 days! I felt pathetic but I guess this is part of the learning process. Looks like you are back on track! Keep it up!

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DAY 3:

Breakfast: 2 eggs scrambled with onions, peppers, and tomatoes (sauteed in coconut oil), topped with hot sauce and avocado

Snack: apple, 2 slices deli turkey

Lunch: romaine with jicama, tomatoes, peppers, cuke, avocado and chicken, topped with olive oil and balsamic

Dinner: whole 30-compliant meatballs, raw carrots and cuke

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DAY 4:

Breakfast: 3 slices deli turkey rolled around jicama strips, watermelon

Lunch: romaine salad with chicken, avocado, jicama, pepper, tomatoes, cuke, olive oil and balsamic; pineapple

Snacks: Small Primal Pak, banana w/almond butter

Dinner: meatloaf with a hash of sweet potato, spinach, onions and peppers (sauteed in coconut butter, garlic, s & p)

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DAY 5:

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with tomatoes and avocado

Lunch: romaine with pepper, chicken, avocado, tomato, olive oil and balsamic; watermelon

Snack: banana and almond butter

Dinner: chicken, broccoli and onion sauteed in coconut butter, garlic, salt and pepper; mashed cauliflower seasoned with garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper <--- YUM!

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DAY 6:

Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs with sauteed onions, peppers and tomato, served with 1/3 avocado

Lunch: a few cherries; salad with romaine, chicken, cuke, pepper, and avocado, topped with olive oil and balsamic

Snack: Lara bar; banana w/almond butter

Dinner: Chipotle salad with carnitas, lettuce, salsa, and guac

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Climbing day -- lots of little meals throughout the day to stay fueled.

Meal 1: Lara bar, 2 slices salami, few baby carrots

Meal 2: almond butter, 2 slices deli turkey, applesauce

Meal 3: small primal pac

Dinner: bratwurst, sauerkraut, sauteed veggies (broccoli, onion, peppers), roasted sweet potato

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DAY 8:

Breakfast: ground turkey w/sauteed broccoli, onions, and peppers

Lunch romaine & spinach with cuke, peppers, chicken, & avocado. Topped with olive oil and balsamic. Handful each of blueberries and cherries.

Dinner: Leftover mash-up featuring half sweet potato, broccoli, onions, and chicken sausage sauteed together.

Snack: big scoop of almond butter on a banana

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DAY 9:

Breakfast: ground turkey, onion, spinach and cherry tomatoes sauteed together. YUM

Lunch: romaine salad with bacon, avocado, roasted chicken, and tomato, topped with oil and vinegar

Snack: banana and almond butter

Dinner: chicken sausage and salad with leafy greens, tomato, cuke, avocado, radish, and pepper, topped with olive oil and balsamic. Pineapple.

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