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Whole30 over the holiday... anyone?


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Hello -

I am a full-time student, wife, mama, nana (all in one house.) I just finished finals a couple days ago and am SO looking forward to this vacation. I knew my weight was up, I'm so sedentary and have been so stressed.... got on the scale this morning. :o OH SWEET MERCY!

Whole 30, commitment to good choices, and my gym membership started about half an hour ago. I signed up for the daily message, and am committed to getting myself on track before school starts again next month.

Here's where I need your .02 (I'll gladly take .50 worth lol) -- Christmas Eve dinner is at our house. I could use some advice with what to serve that will fill the bill for everyone else and keep my sticky fingers unstuck!


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Congrats on wanting to better yourself, I would just like to point out that the Melissa and Dallas have suggested that the holidays might not be the ideal time to begin a Whole30. There are lots and lots of temptations and stresses around the holidays and they suggest enjoying the holidays with family and friends and starting up January.1st. I agree with their logic.

If you started today Christmas Eve would be Day 10. I would suggest doing a "test" or "trial" Whole7...a way to practice cooking, READING LABELS (this is huge and I have seen this be a big problem lately), taking the last week of December to relax and celebrate then starting back up with the herd (herd = lots of support) on January.1st.

Good luck

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I agree with Mjam - however, if you are the sole cook for the big dinner, and if that is really the one occasion where you might find yourself in trouble, then it might be very possible. You'll just cook the turkey or other meat without any sugar or butter or other noncompliant ingredients, make up a bunch of veggies the same way, and put in a few family favorite sides and desserts for the rabble to eat while you continue enjoying roasted sweet potatoes and stuff. There are all sorts of holiday recipes made Paleo these days, and while some of those you can't eat on a Whole30 (Paleo desserts, or anything that uses sweeteners or butter, for instance), if the dinner features meat and vegetables that you cook, you can cook the stuff how you want. You will just have to add in any family tradition type dishes that people will freak out about being left out - but don't eat them. Heh.

Whatever you decide to do, have fun and good luck! (Note: there are several of us doing WholeSomethings that end on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, and then another group starting a Whole30 Jan. 1 or 2)

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Hey I'm doing a whole30 spanning the holidays (Dec 15 to Jan 14) so I can avoid the stress of eating! It gives me a comfortable and easy mental "out" when the sugary goodies are being passed around. My friends/family know I'm stubborn enough of a person that there isn't any point in trying to tempt me when I've put my mind to something. LOL

Did you decide to do this? Please let me know how it is going! Yesterday & today were difficult days to get out of bed. Thank goodness I work from home and can sleep pretty close to my work time. Also thank goodness for eggs & avocados for an easy breakfast. haha

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I decided to start a whole7 today so I will feel good during Xmas for a change. Recently completed a whole35 and had planned to relax over Christmas but a few days of being only very mildly off plan... Corn chips, dried fruit with sugar, 85% chocolate and some wine has made me realize I won't be able to eat even minor Christmas treats without feeling out of sorts yet and I don't want to risk going all the way back to the start... So I'm in!

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I am cooking green beans with almonds, stuffed mushrooms, cauliflower rice and maybe a baked squash for my Xmas veg. The others can also have baked potatoes and compliant cranberry and apple sauce. Turkey roll is non compliant but I will just have the baked pork fillets not going to eat the shortbread, gingerbread, pudding or cake or other stuff. Might make an emergency compliant coconut muffin to have as pudding just in case though....

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