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My First Whole30 - from up North


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Hi Everyone in Whole30-Land!

My name is Casey from good ol' Canada! I started my Journey last Friday - totally blanking on viewing the Forum and all the other great tools available to us to see this through. Been a fairly easy go for me (so far - probably just jinxed myself) as I dont drink alcohol, already gluten-free (so easier to wean off all grains) and very limited dairy. Its the S word that gets me - S U G A R! This is why I found Whole30 - to get rid of my ridiculous Sugar & Carb cravings. Im currently 8 months post-op from hip surgery so that changed my lifestyle drastically while recovering. Now Im heading to Surgery mid-December for the other hip and I wanted to ensure I was in a good head & body space during post-op and not rely on quick and easy sugar/chip fixes! My husband is already impressed and proud of me for the changes made - making more dinners at home versus always going out (we have no kids living at home any more), no more binging on my fave Bags of Things or Chocolate. Chocolate. Thats the biggy. Starbucks Chai Lattes and Pop are my other vices. None of which I have had since Nov 3rd. You see, through my Naturopath,  I started a Fall cleanse before jumping into Whole30 which also made the transition easier. However, Im having difficulty getting through the afternoon blues.... relying on a pear or apple (in my mind its better than going for GF cookies!) - but the more I read and learn I know I can get over this hump! Especially with Christmas Family dinners looming! Thanks for creating this program!! I look forward to reading more stories and triumphs! Cheers! And Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!

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Hi Casey, 

Thought I'd chime in as a fellow northerner! I'm from the Cariboo region of BC, near Williams Lake, about 7 hours north of Vancouver. Today is my day one. I am generally a pretty healthy eater, but like you I love chai tea (usually with soy milk)...I make at home every morning...I love bread and will really miss my evening glass of vino! Hope you are doing well in your journey!


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