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Started January 1!


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My husband and I are so excited to be on this journey. Currently getting ready to end day #2 and feeling accomplished. We half-arse started two weeks ago (only complying at home and not at all of the holiday parties) but that was just a warm up for us and to get in the mindset of shopping right and getting the junk out of our house. Now we’re on OFFICIAL day 2 and I’m so excited to see our lives transform. I’m a mom of 2 under 2 and can use all the energy a healthy lifestyle can give me. Plus, I’m excited for the physical transformation to start feeling confident again. Already getting there emotionally Just from this new journey. 

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Hi CecLens!

Welcome to the forum! How is day 3 going? They say this is the "hangover" stage, but I bet your side effects will be a little lighter after 2 weeks of practice eating. I think that's a great idea to mentally prepare.

I can't wait to hear about your experience!

- Emily

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Hi MissEmilyRae! Thanks for checking in. I’m in between foggy and motivated. Which is odd, I know lol. I used to wake up counting down til my kids nap time, but now I’m actually ready to knock the day out. I’ve been falling asleep easier, which used to be an issue for me. And I haven’t had “a before bedtime snack” since on the whole30. I do want cheese soooo badly though haha. 

But, good morning day 4!

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