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First Official Start!


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Hi all!

I've posted a few times, but here is my first official intro.

I'm beginning my second Whole30 on January 1st. I did a Whole 30 during the summer, in June and July, and I'd say it was mostly a success. I did gain a little weight, but my body comp was improved, as was my sleep and overall mood. I'd say the weight gain was mostly due to overeating coconut, nut, and fruit products. I made some positive changes to my diet, eating many more vegetables and snacking less, and I've stopped chewing gum and having caffeine at all.

When I reintroduced foods, all of them at once, the first night of our Charleston vacation in July, I spent the whole night throwing up. Not a good start to my time off.

I have four kids and fibromyalgia. Those two don't mesh well. On a good, whole food diet, the fibro doesn't flare up and I'm able to have the energy needed to keep up with the little whirlwinds who rule my house. On a worse, more processed diet, I hurt all over and kind of want to lay on the couch all the time.

Since my first Whole30, I've eaten mostly Paleo, but I've off-roaded pretty seriously during the holidays. Was all of it worth it? Absolutely not. Store-bought chocolate cherry cookies and bread? No. My great-aunt's once-a-year divinity made without a recipe that nobody else can duplicate? Probably so.

During the January Whole30, my main goal is to banish the sugar dragon once and for all. I don't want to wake him (or her) by having dried fruit, Larabars, or dates for "dessert" or snacks. I'd also like to be more mindful about my eating and concentrate during meals on how things taste and how full I am, rather than catching up on the news between bites I don't really notice.

I'm looking forward to doing this as part of a group this time, for accountability. Yay Whole30'ers!


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. I'd also like to be more mindful about my eating and concentrate during meals on how things taste and how full I am, rather than catching up on the news between bites I don't really notice.

I really liked this bit. I think that's something I definitely want to concentrate on too.

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