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Egg Free #3!!


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I don't want to jinx myself, but.... I think the intestinal discomfort is finally gone. Two nights of tea appear to have done the trick. WOOHOO!!

Day 17 Log

Breakfast - AF Hot Dogs, Spaghetti Squash w Sunshine Sauce, Spinach Salad w Blackberries & Avocado

Lunch - Paleo Fried Chicken, Mashed Sweet Potatoes

Snack - Cashew Butter

Dinner - Green Chile Burgers, Spicy Roasted Cauliflower

117 oz of water

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Longest run yet - I got 7 miles under my belt today :) I missed our Hip Happy Yoga today, but will make up for it w a yin class tomorrow. Dinner at Gritty's tonight threw all kinds of challenges my way, but I was like Wonder Woman, deflecting them away left and right. All in all, a good Saturday!

Day 18 Log:

Pre-Run - Pecan Butter

Breakfast - Green Chile Burgers, Spicy Roasted Cauliflower

Lunch - AF Hot Dogs, Smoothie from Roost (almond butter, hemp, flax, blueberry)

Snack - Apple w Pecan Butter

Dinner - Steak Salad (lettuce, spinach, walnuts, onion, steak)

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I haven't been posting about my goal to get 100 different ingredients by the end of the month, but I've still been tracking my progress. As of yesterday, I'm up to 82 ingredients! One of the goals with the W30 is to add variety to your diet, so I'm counting different varieties of the same food (chicken thighs vs chicken wings, iceburg vs romaine). I'm also counting fresh herbs, but not dried herbs.

I demonstrated restraint again tonight at a football party :) Instead of munching on chips and some amazing looking brownies, I stuck to the W30-friendly tidbits. Unfortunately, the Patriots weren't quite as successful....

Day 19 Log:

Breakfast - Breakfast Sausage (local, sugar-free), Spaghetti Squash w Tomato Sauce, Spinach Salad

Pre-Yoga - 2 Breakfast Sausage (Whole Foods)

Lunch - Red Curry Chicken, Garden Salad, Blueberries

Dinner - Bloody Mary Shrimp, Ham, Roasted Vegetables, Crudite, Guacamole

150 oz of water

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Pretty busy morning - 3-mile run in the frigid cold, 7 loads of laundry, and a whole pile of meal prep. I also tackled a chore that I've been putting off since my first W30: cleaning out the freezer. I really should've taken a before picture, but let's just say that chances were pretty good that you'd be hit in the head with a falling object if you opened my freezer. That is, until today....


Sure sign of a runner - frozen Dixie cups inside the freezer door :)

Day 20 Log

Breakfast - Breakfast Sausage, Spinach Salad w Blueberries

Lunch - Spicy Meatballs, Spinach Salad w Dried Figs

Dinner - Shredded Pork Tacos w Lettuce & Guacamole, Dates

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Forgot to post for yesterday - oops! Here it is:

I ate within 15-30 minutes of my workout this morning. I know this is the recommended window for refueling after a workout, but I usually jump in the shower before I eat. I also cut out my spinach salad because I'm wondering if that's contributing to my gut problems (yes - they're quieter, but still here. I've added 1T of apple cider vinegar in the morning to see if that helps). Well, now I'm starving!! I haven't done the W30-recommended post-workout meal followed by the prescribed first meal of the day, but there was a notable difference in my appetite. I'm not sure if it's less volume of food (no spinach salad) or burning that food by eating right after my run (15-30 minutes after workout), so I might try playing with that a little bit to see how I feel. And it might take a little time to figure things out, so....

I decided yesterday that I'm going to stretch this out into a Whole 45. When I got started this month, I thought I'd go longer than 30 just to see how it affects me, but the Whole 100 seemed a wee bit too long ;) With the intestinal issues going on, I've felt good, but not great, so going longer seems like a good idea. I figure I can do 45, February 15th will be my last day, and I'll still have time to do reintroduction before a friend's 40th birthday. With my half-marathon soon thereafter (March 16th), I'll take a brief break, then get back on plan so I'm ready for both the race and St. Patrick's Day!

Day 21 Log

Pre-Run - Pecan Butter

Breakfast - Mexican Breakfast Hash

Lunch - Meatballs w Spicy Tomato Sauce, Steamed Spinach

Dinner - Pan-Seared Scallops, Radish Salad, Green Salad w Blueberries

Late-Night Snack - Apple w Pecan Butter

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I'm officially a super shopper: I walked out of Target with a pair of pants, a belt and a pair of ballet flats all for under $20! It's virtually impossible for me to leave Target without spending less than $50, but this shopping trip is momentous for two other reasons.

1) The pants I bought are the exact same magenta ankle pants I picked up last summer. When I bought them, they were snug, but fit perfectly by the time school started. The new pants are four sizes smaller :)

2) I hate belts! I have no waist, even at my thinnest, and the first place I gain weight is around my middle. All pants, and especially jeans, are either loose in the leg and fit at my waist or fit in the leg and dig into my waist. When your pants are wearing grooves into your midsection, you don't need a belt. But today, I need a belt :)

I made up another batch of pecan butter today. This time, I toasted the pecans first - OMG! Delicious!!

Day 23 Log

Pre-Run - Almond Butter

Post-Run - AF Hot Dogs

Breakfast - Mexican Breakfast Hash

Lunch - Meatballs in Spicy Tomato Sauce, Spinach Salad w Blueberries

Pre-Yoga - Apple w Pecan Butter

Dinner - Pork & Plantain Breakfast Hash, Green Salad w Blueberries

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Concrete evidence of mid-winter running in Maine:


I had no idea I was wearing all of this at one time,

and I'm not sure how it all ended up soaking wet, but it is!

Day 25 Log

Pre-Run - Pecan Butter

Breakfast - Pork & Plantain Breakfast Hash

Lunch - AF Hot Dogs, Raisins, Turnip the Beet Juice (turnip, beet, cranberry, lemon & lime juices)

Snack - Carrot Cake Smoothie (carrot, hemp milk, hemp butter, dates)

Dinner - Meatballs in Spicy Tomato Sauce, Roasted Turnips, Steamed Spinach

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Busy day - yoga in the early am, grocery shopping, correcting midyear exams, a little cooking for the week, dinner with the 'rents

Day 26 Log

Pre-Yoga - Pecan Butter

Breakfast - Salad w Grilled Chicken, Cherry Tomatoes, Mandarin Oranges, & Avocado, Watermelon

Lunch - AF Hot Dogs, Salad w Raspberries & Pumpkin Seeds

Snack - Pecan Butter, Raisins

Dinner - Grilled Steak, Braised Kale, Hubbard Squash

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Another busy day - swim this morning, 1st day of new semester, midyear exam correcting, hot yoga with some students. And unlike those kids, no one had dinner waiting for me when I got home ;) Thank God I had everything handy to whip up Sweet-Potato Crusted Tilapia (http://www.mylifeasamrs.com/2011/05/sweet-potato-crusted-fish-with-cilantro-lime-vinaigrette.html). I left off the cilantro-line vinaigrette and subbed almond flour and ghee to keep it compliant

Day 27 Log

Pre-Swim - Pecan Butter

Breakfast - Blueberry breakfast sausage, Jicama Home Fries, Braised Kale

Lunch - Salad w Grilled Chicken, Watermelon

Pre-Yoga - Pecan Butter, Raisins

Dinner - Sweet-Potato Crusted Tilapia, Salad w Sunflower Seeds & Raspberries

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4.5 miles on the treadmill this morning. My energy & motivation have taken a little dip over the last few days. I don't feel like I've lost as much weight as I did on the previous two W30s, so I'm torn between wanting to be done on Friday & jump on the scale to see if the numbers are better than I think OR pushing on for a W45 to see if I feel more fit in two more weeks. Ugggghhh!!

I tried an amazing new recipe tonight - Well Fed's Sausage-Eggplant Strata (http://rivernorthpaleo.blogspot.com/2012/04/italian-sausage-and-eggplant-strata.html?m=1)

Delicious and satisfying! I've been playing w homemade sausage - breakfast & Italian - and this is the first recipe I've found that comes close to real Italian sausage.

Day 28 Log

Pre-Run - Pecan Butter

Breakfast - Blueberry Breakfast Sausage, Braised Kale, Jicama Home Fries

Lunch - Sweet Potato Crusted Tilapia, Salad w Raspberries & Sunflower Seeds

Dinner - Eggplant-Sausage Strata, Salad w TM's Lemon Chesapeake Dressing

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Early am yoga felt great, but my left hip has been a little out of sorts since my 8-mile run on Saturday. I could feel it as soon as I got on my mat this morning - not just hip tightness, but hamstrings and Achilles tendons, too - so I took a quick trip to my chiropractor this morning to get everything back in line. He thinks my hip bursa is inflamed because I did my long run in new shoes. Icing is in my future today, and tomorrow's run will feature a heavy dose of ibuprofen and my old running shoes.

As for motivation and energy, I feel much better today, and my pants might be a little looser, too :) When I was down in the dumps yesterday, I ran across this post from a moderator on the forum, responding to someone who had a couple vodka tonics on Day 23:

Not that the hubs and I don't enjoy an adult beverage... But I think there's something to be said for learning to stand up for your decisions, even in the face of peer pressure or personal pressure. You made a choice, you fought hard for it for 23 days! That tells me you have the gumption to do it for 30.

Well, I've got gumption oozing out of my pores, so I'm sticking with it for 45! I may be planning my reintroduction plan around bowling night - great chance to reintroduce brewers' yeast, right? ;) - but I'm going to follow through with the two-week extension.

Day 29 Log

Pre-Yoga - Pecan Butter

Breakfast - Sausage-Eggplant Strata

Lunch - Sweet Potato Crusted Fish, Salad, Red Delicious Apple

Dinner - Chicken Bacon Alfredo, Broccoli Rabe w Garlic & Raisins

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No running for me this morning :(  With the torrential rain, howling winds and nagging hip pain, I figure I could use a day off from running.   I put in 30 minutes on the spin bike at school instead. I also had a parent and a student comment on my weight loss today, so maybe the pounds are still coming off. Woohoo!!

I tried a new recipe tonight: Spicy Vietnamese Beef Stew (Bo Kho) - http://nomnompaleo.com/post/5216859841/bo-kho-spicy-vietnamese-beef-stew

I wish I had some cauliflower to serve the stew on, but it was delicious nonetheless! I don't know if I've tried a recipe on Nom Nom Paleo that I haven't liked.

Day 30 Log

Breakfast - Sausage-Eggplant Strata

Lunch - Chicken-Bacon Alfredo w Zucchini, Garden Salad

Pre-Spin - Cashew Butter

Dinner - Spicy Vietnamese Stew

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Little piece of me wishes my coffee had some cream and sugar in it this morning. And that I got to sip cocktails with Jen, Caiti and Michelle tonight. And that I'd get to eat and drink whatever I want on Sunday. But I keep reminding myself that if I get through this weekend, it should be smooth sailing until Day 45!

I went out in the cold for 4.5 miles this morning. Best part about the run was the wind that was at my back the last mile - I flew to the finish! I've iced my hip twice this morning, took some ibuprofen before my run, and will probably ice at lunch, too. I'm about a month ahead of my training schedule, so a week or two of easier runs might be in the forecast.

Pre-Run - Pecan Butter

Breakfast - Sausage-Eggplant Strata, Broccoli Rabe w Garlic & Raisins

Lunch - Spicy Vietnamese Beef Stew

Dinner - Burger w Beets & Spinach

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Phew! I made it through yesterday (beers, cocktail party, more beers - all while I sipped water/club soda). Woke up ravenous this morning, probably because I ate a tiny burger and even tinier servings of spinach and beets for dinner at 9 o'clock last night.

I hit restorative yoga this morning then did an hour of heated vinyasa. Nice relaxing afternoon and much easier day, all the way around.

Day 32 Log

Breakfast - Blueberry Breakfast Sausage, Broccoli Rabe w Garlic & Raisins, Jicama Home Fries

Lunch - Sausage-Eggplant Strata, Hubbard Squash

Dinner - Spicy Vietnamese Beef Stew, Hubbard Squash

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Slept in until 730 this morning, then had a busy Sunday:

Logged 4.5 miles on the Foreside, marinated wings for the Super Bowl, cheered for Caity (who was kicking tail at the Mid-Winter 10-Mile Classic!), finished watching Dark Knight Rises, cleaned house, shopped for groceries for the week, roasted wings, and finally Super Bowl partied

Day 33 Log

Pre-Run - Pecan Butter

Breakfast - Spicy Vietnamese Beef Stew

Lunch - Mighty Green Smoothie (kale, banana, spinach, spirulina, blueberries, strawberries), AF Hot Dogs w Mustard

Dinner - Chili Lime Wings (http://nomnompaleo.c...e-chicken-wings), Smoked Brisket, Cocoa-Toasted Cauliflower (http://www.theclothe...ed-cauliflower/), Green Salad w Avocado & Green Apple, Fruit Salad

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I totally forgot to log yesterday's meal! Does this mean this is becoming such a habit that I don't think about it being anything special that needs to be recorded somewhere? If that's the case, stretching my W30 out to a W45 was a good call!

Day 34 Log

Breakfast - 2 AF Hot Dogs, Salad w Fresh Figs

Lunch - Salad w Beets & Grilled Chicken

Dinner - Pan-Roasted Pork Chop, Oven-Roasted Sweet Potatoes w Cumin & Cinnamon, Broiled Eggplant

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Long ass day - 5 mile run in the am, full day of school, meeting in the afternoon, bowling league, home around 830pm. Needless to say, I slept in this morning.

Day 35 Log

Breakfast - AF Kielbasa w Apples & Onions, Oven-Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Lunch -Pan-Roasted Pork Chop, Broiled Eggplant, Salad w Fresh Figs

Dinner - Garden Salad w Grilled Steak, Apple w Pecan Butter

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Any thoughts that I haven't lost weight/size on this W30 have evaporated. I put on a pair of pants that I last wore at Christmas and was amazed at how loose they are in the waist. I've also started wavering about going the full 45, mostly because I'm starting to feel like this is truly a lifestyle change:

  • I'm not thinking about planning meals - it's an automatic part of my weekend routine
  • I'm not thinking about writing down my meals
  • It's easier and easier to pass on non-compliant food

The biggest reason why I'd get off plan is that I'd really like to have an adult beverage while I'm out socializing, but we'll see.....

I'm taking some steps to fix my broken body today. The blister on my left arch is now epic, so I raided the training room today for better fixes. I went to the chiropractor during my free period for an adjustment and ordered a new pair of the exact same running shoes I've been training in. (The Kinvaras are awesome, but will need to wait until post-race to be broken in) I had a leg massage this afternoon, then hit a restorative yoga class. And I finally made an appointment to see a chiropractor who specializes in runner/athlete issues. I can't get in until Monday, but I'm super psyched!

Day 36 Log

Breakfast - AF Kielbasa w Apples & Onions, Oven-Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Lunch - Lamb Curry w Raisins, Greens and Purple Cauliflower Rice, Mango

Snack - Apple w Pecan Butter

Dinner - AF Hot Dogs, Mixed Green Salad w Grapefruit & Avocado

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I'm really trying to listen to my body and not my OCD-Type A tendencies, and I'm trying to follow the Whole 9 advice that rest comes before workouts. I am exhausted and I'm fighting off a cold, so I slept in again this morning. My soleus/Achilles tendon is still really tight, and my blister is drained and dressed. New running shoes should be here on Friday, so I don't think I'm running again until Sunday. And I will keep reminding myself that a few days off is not going to derail my training. Also in keeping with today's theme, I felt like I should go to senior night for our boys & girls basketball teams tonight - ended up staying in instead.

Day 37 Log

Breakfast - AF Pork Kielbasa w Apples & Onions, Oven-Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Lunch - Lamb Curry w Raisins & Greens, Orange

Dinner - Spaghetti Squash w Meatballs & Pasta Sauce, Blood Orange

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One more week!!!!!!

I couldn't be more excited for a mellow weekend spent inside avoiding the blizzard. I SA'd the 6am class at Greener Postures this morning so I've gotten in a good workout & stretch. Fridge is filled w supplies for the next few days, Netflix videos are on hand, and I have several books on the coffee table. Sweet!!

I'm testing eggs today. My comprehensive food panel showed a serious egg sensitivity, so I gave them a shot today and will see how I feel over the next two days.

Day 38 Log

Breakfast - Eggs w Avocado, 1/2 Pork Kielbasa, Oven-Roasted Sweet Potatoes, Blackberries

Lunch - AF Kielbasa w Apples & Onions, Creamsicle Smoothie (banana, orange, almond milk)

Dinner - Spaghetti Squash w Meatballs & Pasta Sauce, Broiled Eggplant, Blood Orange

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