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Starting tomorrow!! Jan 7


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I'm starting my 3rd or 4th Whole30 tomorrow. I'm super excited because I need to help my body recover from an Epstein-Barr Virus reactivation, and I am not eating like I should for Hashimotos. Hashi's has taken over my life, I'm gaining weight, I'm exhausted, and because EBV has reactivated, I can't exercise without getting sick.

I teach 6th grade. I need to exercise so I can handle the stress in a more healthy way, but even a mile walk wears me out and I have to sleep. Too many miles in a week or one day lifting and I'm in bed for two days.  I'm a runner who can't run right now, I've run several half marathons, lots of 5ks, and used to run 12-15 miles/week, so this is really frustrating for me. 

I am looking forward to helping my body heal, to good sleep, even the crazy food dreams, more energy, and labs that say the virus is dormant once again (I know that may take a little longer).

I'm a member of Hogwarts Running Club (yes, it's a real thing, and yes I'm a total nerd). It's a virtual running club and there are several of us who are doing a Whole30 this month. It's a great support system within the Gryffindor common room as we share recipes and encourage each other. At work, I have one coworker who has Hashi's as well and while she isn't eating Whole30, she has started eating a modified paleo diet under the care of her doctor. My family is totally supportive. They have actually been asking when I would be starting because they know we eat better when I'm doing a Whole30. 

That's probably TMI, but I'm ready and excited. Here we go!!



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I'm starting my Whole30 tomorrow too! It's my very first one. 

My mom did her first Whole30 a couple years ago, and she inspired me to learn more about it. Like me, she's a total nutrition nerd. 

I've always had bad environmental allergies. I take Zyrtec daily (although not anymore starting tomorrow since it has corn starch), have been getting allergy shots since 2007, and still battle seasonal allergy attacks several times per year. Two months ago I gave up dairy, and now I wake up each morning with clearer nasal passages and don't clear my throat nearly as often. I'm excited to find out what else could be affecting my breathing and allergies!

Since giving up dairy, I've been more attuned to how different foods affect me. Carrots make me itch, uncooked oatmeal gives me gas--but cooked oatmeal is fine, soy crumbles give me major tummy upset. 

At the grocery store today, the woman behind me said, "Looks like you're doing the Whole30." Lol. Her biggest recommendation was to use fish sauce. 

Nice to meet you, Liz. I'm looking forward to taking this journey together!

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Starting my Whole30 today! I am in my 50s and have been struggling with my weight, seeing my blood sugar slowly rise and battling achilles tendonitis, joint stiffness, and knee pain. I want to continue to be active, but recovery has been a huge challenge. I am excited to see what the Whole30 journey brings.

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I started today!!  I am new to Whole30 and excited to be on this journey!!  I am not new to eating clean......just haven't had the will power to give up sugar just yet! But today is a new day and I choose to be healthy!!  A couple of years ago I worked with a Naturopathic doctor and WOW!!  I learned a lot......felt better than I had in years, stopped taking allergy meds, lost weight, digestive problems got in check!  But I eventually went back to my old eating habits.  But today is the first day of the rest of my life and I am making different choices.  Good luck to all that is on this journey!  I have to remind myself that life is not a destination but a journey!!!

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I also started January 7! Not new to clean eating, but have massively slipped (thanks holidays!). I recently had to take my six-year-old off of dairy for GI issues and what a difference! I'm looking forward to seeing what differences I can see in myself. 

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I started my 1st Whole 30 today. All this is new to me.  I also have Hashimoto's with all the extras as well. Can gain weight but CANNOT lose it. Fatigue, insomnia, RLS... the list goes on. I'm hoping this journey I'm starting with a good friend brings some relief into my life. Good Luck to you all!


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Day 2 and my gut is not happy. 

Day 1 meals

Spinach frittata and half an avocado.

Sauteed spinach and garlic topped with langostino tails, plus some celery and apple slices with sunflower seed butter. 

Steak, broccoli, and a sweet potato topped with coconut oil. 

Day 2 meals

Spinach frittata and half a banana. Tried to eat half an avocado but I wasn't hungry. 

Leftover steak atop spring mix with homemade vinaigrette, tomatoes, pepitas, and olives

I haven't gotten to dinner yet. My gut is cramping and I'm pretty sure it's the abundance of leafy greens I've been eating. Is this a normal part of detox, or does my body just not like a ton of leafy greens and I should find other vegetables to eat most of the time?

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Coming to the end of my first week and I feel good. My most difficult day was Thursday because I forgot my lunch, but no worries. I was able to come home and get it. The most difficult part for me is planning the meals. It seems like it takes e forever to figure out what to eat and then more time putting together the shopping list. I would appreciate any tips. The best part is that the food is really good. So a non scale victory for me already; I am becoming a better cook. Even my 17 year old son is liking this food!

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