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Why not start on a Wednesday?!


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Starting the program today for the first time. I'm a big foodie and home cook and I work in the food industry, so this is going to be a challenge as it will probably impact both my work and  social life quite a bit. Luckily for me, my company makes compliant food (for the most part) and tasting is not an integral part of my role. 

I don't suffer from any specific medical conditions, but I hope to identify any food groups that may affect my allergies or be causing inflammation or digestive issues. I have had acid reflux and heartburn issues, so looking forward to potential positive change there. Oh, and of course, hoping for weight loss! I need to lose 30 pounds, so wanted to try the Whole30 as a way to kick off some healthy eating and exercise changes.

I don't feel quite as prepared as I'd like to be, but I've got a few meals prepped and more in the queue. Plus, I have a plan to handle my first dinner with friends tomorrow night: Just say no to the wine, and yes to salmon and roasted veggies.

Hope to connect with others starting today and share successes and support. Yay, Day 1!


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Starting today as well! It'll be my fourth go-round, and from my experience days 3-5 are the worst so I figured it would be better to start middle of the week and not have to be in the office when I'm feeling crappy.

I first did a W30 about 3 or so years ago to address joint pain and reflux, and I had some positive gains on both. I have been on NSAIDs for arthritis in my spine since I was 27, and after the W30 I was able to cut my does in half. My reflux goes completely away while on a W30 and I have narrowed the triggers to refined carbs, and beer, which makes me sad. One other positive that I didn't expect is that I sleep like a rock - I've struggled with insomnia for most of my life, so this by itself almost makes it worth it.

My last W30 was in February of 2015 - I did it in preparation to start trying to get pregnant. I wanted to be the healthiest I could be because I have thyroid issues and at 37 was a little on the old side to be starting to try for the first time. Not sure if it was the W30 that did it but I got pregnant right away...and after really trying to do the reintros well I fell off the wagon pretty hard during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. I've had a major problem with sugar and baked goods ever since, and I need to kick the habit. I still have 20 pounds of baby weight to lose, and I was already about 10 pounds over where I'd like to be, so weight loss would be a nice side benefit. But mostly I need to re-establish healthy habits. I can feel the effects of my crappy eating - I'm foggy headed, joints ache, super emotional. Some of that is obviously related to having a baby, but I think it will be improved.

I would love to trade ideas for easy meals. I love to cook and enjoyed previous W30s because it forced me to branch out and try new recipes. I just don't have a lot of time to prep and cook these days, so I need to figure out how to simplify. Fortunately my husband is joining me on this one, so he'll be able to take some of the load off with cooking and prep (and luckily he's a good cook).


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Also day 1 for me! I wanted to wait until the day after my son's first birthday so I could enjoy cake (actually, monkey bread) with him. This is my second go, the first I did back in August just to reset my body after a cross-country move and vacation back home. I didn't really notice any sort of health benefits other than the (convenient!) weight loss, but I do like the emphasis the program places on whole foods. As a mom of a toddler I tend to fall back on carbs and dairy and eat less produce than I'd like.

CG (I want to call you by your real name, haha) -- I got pregnant with A during the Lenten fast, which is mostly vegan in the Orthodox church, with shrimp allowed and occasional days of fish. I often wonder if that was a contributing factor! And yes -- I agree about needing to simplify the recipes to save on meal prep.

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@CGinDC @emily.irl

I'm excited to do this! Thanks for sharing your start day thoughts. :)

I panicked today because put roasted peppers in my lunch salad and realized I forgot to check the label, but it was all good. I less afraid of cheating than I am of just making a mistake and forgetting that I'm not supposed to eat something! 


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I was just talking with a friend who started on January 1. Her daughter is just over 11 months and is obsessed with feeding her mom cheerios and the like, and so now she has to be like, "nope, sorry!" Haha. My son has just started to get into this habit, which mostly means that he shoves his ricotta-smeared fingers at my face. I have to pretend to eat them.  :rolleyes:

Day one was okay for me, but I'm already starting to get those dreams where I'm eating ALL of the non-compliant food! What a relief to wake up and realize it was just a dream. This being my second go round, I am slightly less concerned with minute amounts of sugar in things like bacon and the rotisserie chicken I bought at the grocery store yesterday. Maybe that means I'm not doing this right...whatever.

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Day one went well. This morning I picked up my coffee at Starbucks and walked straight to the counter and added half & half. I had to ask them to remake it! So close to slipping up already! 

I had an orange with my frittata this morning and it felt like cheating - it was so sweet. Also, my frittata had potato in it, so I'm worried maybe I'm eating too much carbs? But it's all compliant according to the rules. 

Since this is my first time, I'm trying to be really militant about the rules. I can't imagine trying to do this with kids/spouses! The temptation of their food around all the time would drive me crazy.

Off to my dinner with friends... who needs wine anyway?

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I almost ate a cheese ravioli when I was making my boy's dinner - I usually taste one to make sure it's cooked enough. Oh well!

I am also trying to be pretty strict about things but also will be a little more forgiving if I do accidentally have something with trace amounts of sugar in them or if something is cooked in canola oil, for example.

My husband has been on call all week - he's in IT and once a quarter he has to be online to respond to after hours issues, which means he can't help with dinner except in cleaning up. So I'm having to pick up my boy, get him home, fed, and in bed, and then cook our dinner. We haven't eaten before 8:30-9:00 all week. I'll be really glad when this week is done!

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Strep is much better, they gave me a z-pack for that and it works quick. I also caught it early since I knew my stepson had it I pushed for the test. Pinkeye is not going so well - hasn't gotten any better with the RX drops, which means it's probably viral and I just have to let it run its course. Silver lining - I've had lots of time at home to prep meals!

How are things going for you?

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Glad to hear you got the strep under control right away. I've had it a few times and it is NOT something to mess with. 

I'm not sure I'm doing this right! I think I'm eating a little too much. I don't really understand the meal template - for example, is it fat AND nuts AND olives in one meal? Or if you eat a small amount of nuts, should you use less fat? If you eat half of an avocado, should you not eat olives? 

I feel full for a long time after eating which is nice and I haven't been as tired today as I was last week, but not sure if that correlates to Day 6 expectations? I haven't wanted to "kill all things" yet, but maybe that's next!

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I believe it's fat OR nuts OR olives - so, if you have half an avocado, that's your fat for the meal. I've never really gone through the "kill all the things" phase - I skipped right from the hangover to being tired for several days. Maybe you'll skip it too? 

I got super tired around 4:00 today, but I think I'm not eating enough on the days that I'm home with my baby because he tends to nurse more. I finished off our breakfast leftovers and felt a little better, but I'm going to get to bed early tonight.

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