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CalicoGal's 6 months to Whole-ness


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Hello everyone. Let me tell you about where I am and how we got to this blog post. Firstly my husband and I are both overweight and have a beautiful little girl who will be just over a year old at the end of this. In the past we have always gone on a cruise during the fourth of July. My mother in law suggested we all lose weight for the cruise and since I had already talked about this program with my husband we agreed. I have always liked the idea of getting rid of all the processed crud in our diets especially now that I really don't want our daughter to eat it. I found this website late october and it was just bad timing so I kept putting off a change until now. I am tired of the BS. So I want to change alot about myself. "Flabby fat and lazy" is not how I want to describe myself anymore. My goals for me personally are to lose 60lbs or more and get into a single digit dress size. I also would like to start taking Tae Kwon Do again and start training for a marathon. Its always been my dream to run in one and I think I will get a big confidence boost out of it. We will be starting the Monday after we get back from vacation. So the 7th of January. I am really excited and think it will be interesting to see my mother in laws reaction since she is a strict calorie counter and was successful with her lap band for awhile but fell off the wagon. She initially lost like 80lbs. I need to to lose about 90 to 100 lbs. I am very excited to start this and look forward to charting my progress here.

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Good morning,

You have a week to read It Starts with Food. Having a better understanding of the impact of the less healthy foods and why you should eat the recommended foods and what they do for your body will make a big difference.

Know that I appreciate the desire to lose weight and to be x size of clothing. I do want you to think about what you will do when you get to that size? I would gently suggest that you have some goals that focus on things besides the numbers on the scale. The number on the scale is just a symptom of your health.

Whole30 is about changing your relationship with food - not just until you can get into a certain dress size, but for life. I want to see you succeed here, and the book is the best way to start!

Best of luck!

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  • 1 month later...

Well It hasn't officially been 30 days yet as I started the 4th of January and I did have a couple lapses so I am going to keep going. I am down 15lbs but I haven't retaken any measurements. the couple lapses were a sandwich wrap and a few potato chips while I was out with my sister and then a couple instances of dairy. I am going to be very strict about that in the coming month. I have also realized I have a skin reaction after eating nuts. I become very itchy and get a hive like condition everywhere I scratch. Think worse then chicken pox itchiness with a bit of fire ant bite. It looks like what happens when you get a mosquito bite, just in great big swaths where ever I scratch. I don't think coconut is doing it but am unsure and will limit that as well this month. *sigh*

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