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Last Day, HURRAY!


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I didn’t join in the blogs, but wish I did.  My wife and I were introduced to Whole30 by our youngest son.   We are both glad we did.  I feel generally better and had a bonus of 10 lbs. lost!

if I could recommend anything it would be planning, especially in weeks 1 and 2.  Having a recipe and all the ingredients ahead of time, not only makes it less frustrating when getting ready to make a meal. It also helps avoid eating the same things every day.

We also found a love for roasted vegetables that were never on our menu in the past.

I also was pleasantly surprised that I had no cravings.

Our current dilemma is what is the first no-no we add to our diet.

I think we found the answer to a real improvement in our eating......so glad we did it.

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