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Protein powder


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I am sure this has been asked but most of the posts I saw on this subject were rather old so I thought I would ask again.  I am currently doing crossfit and have been coming home from workouts and having a protein shake to help build muscle.  It is NOT used as a meal replacement as I am having it between breakfast and lunch.  I know my powder I use is not compliant since it has pea protein and stevia but Im wondering if its fine to use my collagen supplement I take as a sub?  I could still get around 15mg of protein if I add in almond butter but ideally I would like more.  Anyone been in the same boat before?  I am planning on starting Whole30 tomorrow.  Thanks in advance!!

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Why can you not just get your 25g or so of postWO protein from real food? It's only 30 days - lots of people have been in the same boat & given it a try. Most have been pleasantly surprised by the results. Many  never went back to the powders..... Just sayin'! ;)

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Then I would essentially be eating lunch, or an entire additional meal around 930am.  I feel like that would throw off my day, and I dont really want to eat chicken all day everyday...or eggs, etc...just to get my additional protein.  I dont think there is anything wrong with protein powders to use for muscle gain.  It just so happens mine has stevia and is non compliant, but otherwise clean.

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5 minutes ago, KristinB said:

an entire additional meal around 930am

About a half a meal's worth of protein.

The recommendation is for a lean protein & optional starchy carb eaten postWO. 

I agree, there is nothing wrong with protein powders per se, but since the program promotes eating whole foods they kind of go against the spirit of the program.

However, you are an adult and you get to make their own decisions. If you want to use the collagen supplement, and it's compliant, then feel free to do so. Nut butter is a fat for whole30 purposes though and we would recommend against the consumption of fats post WO as they slow down absorption of the nutrients preventing muscle protein synthesis. We also don't recommend the consumption of large amounts of nuts/nut butters as they contain inflammatory omega 6 fatty acids and can be particularly hard on the gut...

Perhaps you could compromise with the collagen alongside some real food?

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