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Here's to good times in 2013!


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I don't know about all of you, but 2012 was a rough year for me. It got to where I just worked and slept and then woke up and did the same again, soothing myself with sugar and counting the minutes to my next day off. I am committed to making some key changes to get my life back in 2013, and a Whole 30 is first on my list.

This will be my third Whole 30, but my first following the autoimmune protocol. I have Hashimoto's, as do my mom and grandma. My mom went Paleo five months ago, so I have some great support from her and now from you all as well.

Let's go!

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It got to where I just worked and slept and then woke up and did the same again, soothing myself with sugar and counting the minutes to my next day off.

That was the last two months for me for sure! Happy New Year to you and all the best on your journey!

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Thanks for the good wishes! It certainly helped to have the first day be a holiday, particularly since I hadn't prepped much beforehand.

I'm trying to wean myself off caffeine since I got so dependent on it there for a while, but I'm allowing myself a cup of tea in the mornings to stave off the worst of the withdrawal symptoms. So far so good, glad I eased off coffee while visiting family last week. I still love it, but the goal is to have a cup occasionally as a treat and not to require it to function every day.

I segregated my spices into seed/not seed and finally bought a crock pot which has some meaty bones in it now. I also made beef and butternut meatballs, turmeric/Ginger chicken and broke down a duck I had in the freezer for "a special occasion". I am my own special occasion I guess! Those bones go in the crock pot next. Also cooked up some broccoli, a pile of collards and roasted some yams and sweet potatos.

Phew! Kind of tired but antsy at the same time tonight, think I'll head out for a long walk.

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Made sooooo much stock yesterday, more in the pot for tonight! I resisted getting a crock pot for the longest time because I figured I could do on the stovetop anything I could do in there, but being able to leave it going while I'm away is a miracle.

Day three and I think I may be getting over the post-nasal drip I always seem to get when I off road. Yay! I've also made a firm commitment to not using ghee for these 30 days, I was wavering on that one for the first couple of days but hadn't used any yet and I'm feeling a lot better about going without. Dairy is consistently the thing I have the hardest time giving up, I laugh each time I pick up It Starts With Food and see the "That Covert Yogurt" section.

On the work/life balance front, stayed way too late doing not much at work last night but made plans to go to First Thursday at a gallery with friends after work. Mid-week social occasion! I also challenged myself not to look at Twitter or Facebook at all today.

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Days like today make me really glad this isn't my first Whole 30. I've learned so much! Last night I stayed up way past my bedtime finishing a book (time gets away from me when I'm reading ) and then of course at 5 AM the cat decides it's morning and starts batting at my face. Pffffffft. I was soooo tired, but having done this before I knew that meant I'd be battling cravings all day. So I packed extra protein and even more extra fat for work. I did have to give myself some stern talkings-to today ("Yes, you DO want coffee. That's true. But you're not having any, so make a pot of herb tea.") but I made it. I also started my period today, so there's that too. I don't think I've made it through PMS without chocolate in months, so feeling pretty good about that. TMI?

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Just wanted to stop by and say...way too go! I'm really impressed you've given up coffee, that's a bit more than I could handle right now....but it is a goal for me at some point. I'm down to just 1/2 cup a day.

Great job!!!

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Thanks ladunn! It means a lot to know I've got a cheering section over here. One thing about cooking so much at home, not drinking, etc. is that I end up not having enough social interaction in the real world. I did manage to make a plan to go for a hike with a friend tomorrow so there's that at least. Coffee is still calling my name, and will likely be the first thing I try to reintroduce after this month. I really do love it, but I hate being reliant on it and I need whatever help I can get to bring my cortisol levels down.

Treated myself to some really yummy things (oysters!) today and did a bunch of prep for next week. Some of the things I cooked I'm not crazy about, which is a bummer but I'll figure out how to doctor them up. Next week promises to be hectic, but sometimes that can work in my favor to give me less tIme to think about food.

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Wow, it's great to see so many people logging! I forgot to post yesterday and I'm already four pages down. That just makes me happy.

Went on a long hike along the water yesterday with a friend, best decision I think I've made all week. It was a pain to get out there, and there were so many other things I had promised myself or others would be done, but once I got out there I knew it was worth it. Not only have I been feeling disconnected from my friends with the holidays taking them all over the country, but I hadn't really exercised or been out in nature for I don't know how long. I mean, I walk at least a couple of miles to and from work every day but I don't exert myself or renew my spirit like being out on the trail does.

Ate through some of the lackluster food I prepped this weekend last night and today. I don't know what happened there, I'm usually really happy with my own cooking. I guess this is where I find ways to doctor mediocre food that doesn't involve nightshades. Maybe I'll just smother it all in coconut milk and ginger, or splurge on some fancy sugarless bacon.

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Really togh day. I actually had 1/2 cup of coffe but I'm cutting myself some slack on that. I didn't have any other things off my plan which is a huge relief. I was very, very tempted, mostly by stress but also didn't bring enough to eat today. I was at work for over 12 hours and only brought lunch and a snack, plus I forgot to eat breakfast before I left. It was just one of those days where nothing seems to go right. Fortunately I remembered I'd stashed a can of sardines at the office and was able to get a coworker to grab me a green salad without dressing so those were dinner. Came home and devoured some plantain chips, not the best choice maybe but not awful.

Taking some deep breaths now, need to relax before I go to bed. Phew!

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Made the decision to sleep in a bit yesterday and my whole day was better. Still overate a bit, but all good things so I can't beat myself up too much. Coconut is tasty, and should not be kept at my desk.

Dragging a bit today, having some coffee again. I may just have to hold off on my superambitious Do ALL The Things! plan for this month and accept that giving up coffee can be a Feb or March goal.

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