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One foot in front of the other with Black Coffee......


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Yay! Glad you tried it and that you're now inspired with your own creation.

I know how your wife feels. I didn't use much sweetener but I do miss it, more so when I have coconut milk in my coffee than I do when I have it black.

Fortunately I still have 2+ weeks on my Whole30 and my taste buds may well adapt in that time. It will make future W30's easier if I end up not getting back into the habit of sweetening my coffee.

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I guess when they say we'll be "creating a new relationship with our food", it means re-assessing all the rites and rituals that got us to where we are. I didn't realize how sacred a thing my "morning coffee" was/is until I started tinkering with it. But also how much it might be getting my day off to a dysfunctional start, hormonally. It's Day 4 and today I'll try eating breakfast within an hour of waking up, in other words "with' breakfast instead of "as" breakfast.

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I've been used to coffee with cream but love good coffee black, so I'm totally OK with it black during W30. I got interested in having it with ghee so tried about a teaspoon this morning. It looked oily so I blendered it. OMG it's really good! Is this "bulletproof coffee"?

And I'm curious where the term hulletproof comes from. I googled it but couldn't discover that info. Anyone know?

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