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Lady Bratface

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I started the Whole30 March 12, but I gave myself a week lead-in to start cutting back the sugar and testing out some recipes prior to starting.  So, sugarfree for 10 today.  

Aside from kicking the diet-soda, everything on this eating plan is so /easy/.  I keep saying it, but I'm honestly not sure if i'm doing something wrong.  My daily soup is already Whole 30 approved AND get some avocado along with it!  I'm actually allowed the good stuff I had scrimped on for years.  I don't know how my body is going to give up the fat eating like this.  The only thing I've really cut out is the diet soda and at ZERO calories with an addition of hundreds....well...it doesn't make sense I'm going to lose any weight.  

But, it's still about more than the weight.  For the first time in many years, I'm not hungry.  That gnawing, empty feeling isn't there anymore.  Even when my lack of planning has pushed my dinner out until 8pm, I haven't been tempted to throw something else together that's quicker/easier.

Maybe because I cut out the sugar first and then got into the program, I'm ahead of the game. Last week without the diet soda was BRUTAL.  But this week? Meh.  This week is great.  I thought that feeling of the body trying to eat itself was a product of weight loss and calorie processing.  

Poor hubby got struck with a horrible arthritis attack only four days into this new eating plan.  I'm so disappointed because this eating plan was touted as being /so/ good for such things and this one is worse than it has been in many years.  I guess we'll just have to see but it's a dark smudge on the program so far. 

I will work on posting pictures of the food we're cooking.


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I found that day 4-5 were the roughest, and sometimes when you're suffering withdrawal, the symptoms triggered by the foods come back in full force. Maybe that's what happening to your husband. When I quit gluten years ago, a few days in I got really tired and brain-fogged, then realized a few days later (after my brain fog cleared for the first time truly in years) that gluten was what had been making me tried and brain-fogged in the first place. 

What sort of arthritis does he have? Osteo or Rheumatoid?

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15 hours ago, AlyMcF said:

I found that day 4-5 were the roughest, and sometimes when you're suffering withdrawal, the symptoms triggered by the foods come back in full force. Maybe that's what happening to your husband. When I quit gluten years ago, a few days in I got really tired and brain-fogged, then realized a few days later (after my brain fog cleared for the first time truly in years) that gluten was what had been making me tried and brain-fogged in the first place. 

What sort of arthritis does he have? Osteo or Rheumatoid?

Thank you for the feedback.  I am not a big grain-eater anyway so I haven't noticed any cravings for bread or sugars -- I find my addiction is for the bubbly refreshment of the diet soda.   The dear hubby though, he loves his bread and so I think your suggestion could be a big factor for what is going on with him.  His spirits are up though and he's not throwing in the towel yet.

He has gout, which expresses with arthritic symptoms. (Swollen joints and pain)  He is flat out again today, using the cane to get around and in a lot of pain.  He got an all-clear from his doctor to try the program but thinking the rich diet might be too much for his system.  It's not as though he hasn't had a gout attack normally though, it's just been awhile since one was this bad.  

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On 3/16/2018 at 7:43 PM, AlyMcF said:

Would a seltzer drink help you transition off the bubbly diet sodas?

I am afraid if I drink seltzer or any other whole30-safe bubbly drink that it will trigger my need for the 'real' diet soda and my control will completely break.  Besides, the whole purpose of the whole 30 is to break habits.  We don't eat bread-like items or desert-like items because it's a crutch that hides that baseline craving.  So--no bubbles for me. :)  And it's getting easier and I don't /need/ it. I just /WANT/ it.  

Hubby is still flat out with his gout attack.  This one is worse than it's been in years.   

We enjoyed a breakfast of eggs, kale, mushrooms with sausage and potatoes and sides of salsa and avocado. That's pretty much my dream breakfast.

Lunch was fruit salad with roasted nuts.

Steak and asparagus and roasted potatoes for dinner.

We should have had brisket with carrots and cabbage, but with hubby being stuck in bed with his gout, our planning was shot.  I really hope that he's better tomorrow, worried about the future of this program for us if his body is going to reject it so badly.

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I’m sorry to hear your husband isn’t doing well. My dad has had rheumatoid arthritis for nearly 50 years (onset as a kid) and I know how hard that can be.

I wonder if you should consider moving toward an autoimmune protocol (AIP) whole30? I don’t know a lot about it, google does, but perhaps removing foods that trigger autoimmune issues would help. I would assume (not a doctor don’t take my advice as such) that something is triggering inflammation for him. If you post this in a different forum some of the mods could maybe help you pinpoint ideas of foods to remove. 

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I totally hear you on the bubbly drinks possibly triggering a craving.

I suppose your husband already knows about the list of foods that supposedly trigger gout and has tried to stay clear of them during this diet. I was just looking the list again and it seems some of the recommended foods for gout are off limits on Whole 30 :( 

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He's feeling a bit better this morning but still not able to put weight on his foot as of this morning.  He's drinking cherry juice without sugar added. I know that technically we're not supposed to drink juices, but I think with his level of pain that we're just going with it for now. We're still eating on program.

We went over the list of 'safe' foods and can't really determine what set off this attack. He talked with his doctor before starting the program and it seemed just fine.  He has a call into the office today but usually he has to ride out the attack, drink lots of water and cherry juice and let the body flush out the uric acid.  I'll post on another board to find out if someone else has gout-type struggles and see if I can get some advice, but I fear it's just part of the gout illness.  

We stayed on point with the program all weekend.  Cuban Pork- Lettuce cups for dinner last night was perfect!  Going to do leftovers of that tonight.   I started cutting back on my portion sizes, stopping just when I feel full and trusting that I won't be starving in a couple hours. It worked!  My stomach doesn't try to chew itself to pieces between the meals.  Shocking!

In other news: I'm going to try to get my parents on the program.  Wish me luck. LOL!

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Day 11:

Still going strong.  Created this pretty awesome salad dressing and enjoying Asian chicken salads this week for lunches.  That Cuban Pork went a long way and helped prevent lots of extra cooking for meals at night.  Breakfast was a simple eggs, sausage and potatoes with slices of orange and banana on the side.

I've noticed that I'm eating smaller portions and not nearly as hungry between meals or before the next meal.  When I am hungry, it's not that angry-hungry that is so annoying. 

Hubby is still flat out but says that he's starting to feel a bit better but he still can't put weight on the foot and walk anywhere.  Going to use the suggestion of a smoothie and see if it helps.  Updates tomorrow!

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This weekend was much better thanks to the hubby being able to get out of bed and walk!  

We enjoyed almond crusted salmon with pesto, avocado zucchini on Saturday and chili Colorado over broccoli last night.  

Still going strong on the program. I have so much energy, I find it difficult to sit still.  It's weird. 

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This week we've been enjoying the set of semi-pre-made breakfasts and lunches.  I roasted/fried potatoes and made homemade sausage patties and all it takes if a quick egg fry and it's ready to go.  Lunches are leftovers from dinner.  So far it's been Lamb Chops with butternut squash and broccoli and several dinners of the Chili Colorado with a change-up of vegetables. 

I'm going to be sad when this is over.  Can a person stay on program 'forever'? 

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Day 21!  

This week will be all about adding in the gym and serious workouts.

I'm set with pre-made meals and that means there's no excuse not to hit the gym and work it!  

I thought I'd be noticing a lot of difference in the fit of my clothes, but pretty much still feeling/looking as plump as ever.  So, time to sweat off the weight!  I certainly have an increase of energy, so I might as well put it to good use.



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Good for you! I am *still* working on the gym and I’m on day 33.

I know some pants were looser by day 17 but don’t forget it’s a whole30! Change takes time! I know I did not gain all those pants sizes overnight... I am glad you seem to be doing well :)

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