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Let's try this


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I last did a Whole 30 in January of 2011 and have been thinking about doing it again now that I've had more time to reflect on what I got out of it last year. I find that I do well with things when I write about them regularly so I am hoping this forum will help.

Last year I was able to eat pretty well, and lost a few pounds, but it was a big reach for me so I over-relied on convenience foods like nuts, nut butter with apples, etc. I also think that, of all things, I ate too much meat and not enough vegetables. I have been eating primarily vegetables for the last few months (with a little too much processed food in between) so I am going to make vegetables the main focus of every meal.

I'm planning to spend the next day or so preparing foods and looking over my Success Guide. Also, we have chickens so I definitely need some additional egg recipes. Since chopping vegetables takes some time I think I will avoid too many time consuming meat recipes but I have been looking forward to the chocolate chili and scotch eggs again. :)

My goal is to document my meals and write about the struggles with getting food under control and not falling back on old, bad habits. I am able to put the full force of my energy behind huge gardening projects, work (I teach high school and am already off for the summer), additional degrees, etc. but just can never seem to get this area of my life together. I know some of these issues are habits from my own parents (they eat pretty healthfully but eat too much and are definitely both carb addicts).

Time to focus and prevail.

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