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When should I start my whole30?


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Hi all. I am new to this program, so I have been trying to read and educate myself about whole30 first, before beginning my 30 days. However, I am 12 months post partum, so if any other moms out there can imagine, my time alone to read (let alone sit down and eat a good meal) is very limited! I waited until Mother's Day (yesterday) was over because I knew that was a battle I was not prepared to take on, and I am vacationing with my hubby and daughter in early June, so I was thinking of starting my whole 30 AFTER vacation. However, my body really needs an overhaul-I haven't felt "regular" since before I was pregnant over a year ago. Anyone have experience with being nervous about an appropriate start time for their whole 30? I really want to start but I need to learn more, and I'm worried about vacation.... Sorry this was so a little long-any advice on when should I start my whole 30?

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How about starting to kind of ease into it now, trying Whole30 recipes and making the best choices you can, but not worrying about being strict with it and allowing yourself to have foods that you really want on vacation, and then starting for real a few days after you get home?

This would allow you a little more time to stock up on pantry staples like oils and spices, which can get expensive. It would let you introduce the foods you'll be eating to your husband, so he knows it's not going to mean dry chicken and broccoli at every meal (you might even convince him to read up and try it with you). And you'll be taking control of what you're eating now, without stressing over how to stick to it completely on vacation. 

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