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Trouble finding foods due to allergies

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It is only my second day of the Whole 30 but already I am really struggling and feel hungry all of the time. I am allergic to all nuts and seeds, as well as avocado. I thought I prepped good meals but I am just not staying full. I know snacks aren't technically part of the program, but I feel like I need them since I am so hungry, but even then I can't seem to find a good snack that I am not allergic to. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

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Make your meals meet the meal template -- facts other than nuts, seeds, and avocado would include oils and sauces, dressings, or dips made from them, olives, and any firm of coconut. You can download the meal template here:   https://whole30.com/pdf-downloads/

Ideally, you'll get to the point where you mostly don't need to eat between meals, because each meal will keep you satisfied for 4-5 hours. If you do need to eat between meals, have a mini meal of protein, fat and vegetables, or at least two of the three. So a hard boiled egg with mayo, some leftovers from a previous meal, some vegetables with ranch dressing.

When you look at recipes, if they call for avocado oil, just substitute a different oil. Olive oil is fine for many things, but if you don't care for the flavor in everything, you could look for light tasting olive oil or a high oleic sunflower or safflower oil. Coconut oil works well for cooking, but since it does solidify at room temperature it's not great for things like mayo or other dressings or dips that you'd typically eat chilled.

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