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Started July 2nd


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This is my first time doing Whole30 and I'm on day 5!

Here is my introduction so I don't repeat myself.

Except for this: I'm 33, 5'6 and 158 lbs the last time I checked (months ago). Slowly gaining weight steadily over the years (from a natural 110 pre-pregnancy 9+ years ago). Bouncing back and forth between drinking soda, then not, and lowering my sugar intake, then not. I thought, I'm too young to be this tired! I look in the mirror and all I see is how I'm overweight and why do the doctors say I am healthy and normal?! Note here: I don't want to be 110 again, that would not be good or healthy. But my ultimate goal is a weight that suits my frame, somewhere between 130 and 140. I have skinny arms, a thin face, and small hands. :lol:

My autism has always made eating difficult for me -- issues with food, such as texture and strong smells/tastes. But I avoided things for so long that I absolutely despised as a child that I honestly didn't know what most of the stuff tasted like as an adult.

So, here I am. Day 5. Learning to eat, like I never have before, because I only ate what I knew I could tolerate and never ventured anywhere outside those boundaries.

The first couple days were rough. I craved sugar like mad. On my first day, I was so thirsty, I drank some lemon iced tea that I knew had sugar in it because water just wasn't helping. No, I didn't start over, since it was the first day. I haven't done it since because I felt so freaking guilty! I switched to unsweetened and added some fruit to make the taste palpable, but now I can drink it plain! My thirst is lessening; I do keep water close by though, at all times.

I wasn't sure how well I would do going from eating/grazing all day when I got hungry, to trying to only eat 3 meals a day. That's definitely been an adjustment and sometimes I've had to grab a little extra protein in between meals, but I only had to do that once today, so progress! Tonight, I expanded my 'veggie options' into avocado and tomato (removed the seeds). Yes, I mixed them with my taco burger (w/ homemade taco seasoning) and the lettuce so I barely tasted them, but I did it! I don't know if I can eat avocado straight, I'm still working on it, since I have an aversion to foods with those textures. It was a little hard to force myself to swallow; I used a little water to help.

I'm still working on making sure my meals are enough, with protein, veggie, and fat. My breakfast is typically two eggs (which I've now discovered a serving size for me is 3, so I'll be upping that) and bacon. I made sausage patties the other day, from scratch, and they were amazing! I've been adding fruit to my lunch, only, as part of the salad I've been making every day. That's also when I'm eating the nuts. Giving the salad a crunch, which is nice with all the softness. I know I need to add a veggie to my breakfast but that's just so weird. I'm trying to figure it out, though, lol.

Anyway, that's all for now. Thanks for reading and feel free to say hi! :)

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I find butternut squash sauteed in ghee or coconut oil/ghee mixture  to work pretty well with eggs in the morning. Or just good old potatoes mashed or fried in complain oils.  I buy frozen butternut already squared or get them fresh at Sprouts. 

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9 hours ago, AngryBlonde said:

I find butternut squash sauteed in ghee or coconut oil/ghee mixture  to work pretty well with eggs in the morning. Or just good old potatoes mashed or fried in complain oils.  I buy frozen butternut already squared or get them fresh at Sprouts. 

Thanks, I think I can handle some potatoes in the morning. Actually, I'm having some re-heated sweet potatoes from last night with my breakfast this morning, albeit not as many I should be having. I think the issue is that I'm just not used to eating this much. I'm struggling to finish my food this morning :O

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Yesterday was day 6. It was the first day I didn't eat lunch. Breakfast @ 9:30 am was: 2 1/2 hard boiled eggs with PK mayo, 2 homemade sausage patties, leftover cinnamon/cocoa sweet potatoes (it was interesting but not something I'm want to eat again), and I needed to use the coconut milk leftover from a few days before, so I made a strawberry/banana smoothie. (Yes I know it isn't recommended but I ate all my food first!)  We went to a movie with the kids, so that's why I didn't get lunch, so I ate half a lemon larabar in my purse and drank some water during the movie when I finally felt hungry.  Dinner was at 6 pm, and I had sweet potato w/ avocado oil, salt & pepper, chicken, snow peas, and a carrot.

Today, I was a little tired upon waking up, but that's because of my . which is 5 days earlier than typical. Not sure why, but I can hazard a guess. Anyway, I didn't eat until nearly 10 am because I woke up at 9, so for breakfast I had 2 fried eggs w/ ghee, 2 homemade sausage patties w/ PK mayo, then an almond milk & butter (both compliant), strawberry, banana, and kale smoothie. I thought I should have some kale, but wasn't sure I would like the taste so...

I wasn't hungry again until 4 pm! So my lunch/dinner, which I just finished, was the rest of the chicken and turkey deli meat before they went bad, some walnuts, steamed kale w/ balsamic vinegar (which is really tasty, btw! wow! I never knew!), and fried butternut squash with avocado oil and pepper.

Oh and yesterday, I made some walnut/raisin/almond/cocoa balls (that's all ingredients) as a snack to take when I'm driving, but it looks like I'll just need to adjust my driving time because I was tired by 12 am anyway. :rolleyes:

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I'm on Day 9! I have to say that my energy levels are staying pretty consistent throughout the day, making it so I don't need to take a nap, which is a big change from how its been lately. Actually, I had so much energy, I couldn't fall asleep until 3 am! My face has definitely cleared up and I can see a difference in my body, not only in the way I look but in the way I feel! :D it's amazing!

This is what I ate yesterday:

Breakfast: 2 fried eggs w/ghee, 2 homemade sausage patties with PK mayo, 1 slice bacon, and some butternut squash fried in avocado oil.

Lunch: kale/green leaf/romaine salad with chicken, bacon, walnuts, fresh lemon juice and balsamic vinegar. I drank unsweetened black tea with it.

Dinner: fried butternut squash w/ avocado oil, steamed kale with balsamic vinegar, chicken leg, water.

Best part? No snacking! :)

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