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Elzizme's Whole30


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Day 1:

DONE! No hassle :D

Massive egg scramble with mushroom, bell peppers and spinach for breakfast/lunch (slept in... oops!).

Discovered I like black coffee.

Steak and stir fried sweet potato, mushroom & bell peppers for dinner- tossed the veggies in EVOO and a little bit of balsamic.

Didn't eat much but wasn't very hungry, back to work tomorrow so will be back to a more structured day. Made a vat of butternut squash soup using only squash, red onion, black pepper and chilli flakes so that's lunch sorted.

Also gave scales and measuring tape to boyfriend for safe keeping after taking measurements this morning- not taking them back until Feb 1st!

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Day 2- done!

Scrambled egg with spinach and thin cut beef steaks for breakfast, kept me full until lunch. Lunch was the butternut squash soup with olive oil drizzled on top and some random salmon on the side, followed by some blueberries and blackberries. Dinner was chicken baked in coconut flakes, served with stir fried veggies. Also had 2 kiwi fruit at 5am when I got up after a terrible night's sleep- can't wait for that to improve.

Only had one cup of coffee today- major change for me.

Feel like I need to eat more tomorrow- lunch will be more soup, the leftover chicken from tonight's dinner and a salad. Possibly more steak and egg for breakfast- I feel I should mention the beef was on special offer :D

Dinner will probably be some kind of duck tagine,,. but we shall see.

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Day 3 was yesterday- meant to do this last night but fell asleep.

I felt hungover.

Breakfast was steak and eggs, lunch was leftover chicken with salad and butternut squash soup, dinner was duck in a kind of tagine with tomato, spices, red onion and some dried apricots. Awesome. Then I got 8 hours of sleep for the first time in about 2 weeks, so it's going really well so far.

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Day 4 done and dusted, I seem to have skipped the Kill All The Things stage and gone straight to being tired. That being said, I stayed compliant even though we went out for lunch today- success!

Meal 1- Leftover duck tagine-thing from last night

Meal 2- Mushroom omelette with plain salad leaves, tomato & cucumber.

Meal 3- Flung together chicken curryish thing (loads of ingredients, I know they were complian but too many for my foggy brain to remember!) with roasted parsnips and sweet potato.

Snacks- Had some olives.


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Day 5 sucked.

Sick and tired feeling, stuck to plan though. Mean't I couldn't get organised for the week like I planned but I should be OK for breakfast and lunch tomorrow, can do the supermarket on the way home for food for the rest of the week.

Meal 1: Black coffee and tomatoes. Weird but I had no appetite and no energy to make something.

Meal 2: Mackerel, avocado and salad leaves- I hate avocado, I've decided.

Meal 3: Baked cod fillet drizzled with olive oil and lemon juice, little salt & pepper. With that, courgette & red cabbage cooked in tinned tomatoes- surprisingly tasty.

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Day 6 was alright, bit of brain fog. Made chicken soup. Salad and chicken for lunch. No idea what breakfast was but a kiwi fruit was involved.

However, today is day 7 and I seem to be firmly in the "high-energy but craving everything stage", but still going well :D.

Will update later with meals etc.

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Today I was highly original and had the same thing for meals 1 & 2- chicken and vegetable soup! More of a stew tbh, very filling :)

Dinner was the tastiest thing I've cooked in a long time, beef curry with cauliflower rice- the leftovers will be lunch if not breakfast :D

Felt good today despite not much sleep, so early night tonight.

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