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Accidentally licked non-compliant ranch ;(


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I have 2 kids I have to cook for 3 times a day, plus prepare numerous amounts of snacks all throughout the day. Ever since my daughter got off school for the summer, my kids asks for snacks around the clock. Neither are usually like this, but I've chalked it up to growth spurts.

I am only on Day 2 and already feeling VERY "I hate all the things" because of withdrawals and being constantly pestered, kids' fights, etc. 

I CONSCIOUSLY made a PBJ and PB sandwich for them... "do NOT lick knife"... no jelly, no PB... success. I even washed my hands after disposing of the knife into the sink, so I wouldn't think it's my almond butter knife and give it a lick.

Well, lo and behold, I was about to sit down and need to prepare some carrots. In a rush, I whip out the ranch for the kids (that I want out of my house now, or to burn) -- it is not my Primal Kitchen one and I know it. I have a hard time opening it, use my shirt and a tiny drop gets on there. Yuck! I wipe it and lick it off. Go to lick excess off my finger, TASTE! I run to the sink, spit it out and rinse my mouth out.

I am angry and discouraged. Having the kids around for this is going to be SO challenging.

Do I have to start over? The ingredients are horrendous, though I think I only swallowed the size of mustard seed. :(

Here are the offenders: vegetable oil (some soybean), sugar, buttermilk, MSG, modified food starch, xanthan gum, and some preservatives. 

It is brand new and my daughter is an extreme picky eater, so this currently helps her eat her veggies. I'm thinking I need to put warning labels on everything...

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29 minutes ago, Jenelley said:

I have 2 kids I have to cook for 3 times a day, plus prepare numerous amounts of snacks all throughout the day. Ever since my daughter got off school for the summer, my kids asks for snacks around the clock. Neither are usually like this, but I've chalked it up to growth spurts.

I am only on Day 2 and already feeling VERY "I hate all the things" because of withdrawals and being constantly pestered, kids' fights, etc. 

I CONSCIOUSLY made a PBJ and PB sandwich for them... "do NOT lick knife"... no jelly, no PB... success. I even washed my hands after disposing of the knife into the sink, so I wouldn't think it's my almond butter knife and give it a lick.

Well, lo and behold, I was about to sit down and need to prepare some carrots. In a rush, I whip out the ranch for the kids (that I want out of my house now, or to burn) -- it is not my Primal Kitchen one and I know it. I have a hard time opening it, use my shirt and a tiny drop gets on there. Yuck! I wipe it and lick it off. Go to lick excess off my finger, TASTE! I run to the sink, spit it out and rinse my mouth out.

I am angry and discouraged. Having the kids around for this is going to be SO challenging.

Do I have to start over? The ingredients are horrendous, though I think I only swallowed the size of mustard seed. :(

Here are the offenders: vegetable oil (some soybean), sugar, buttermilk, MSG, modified food starch, xanthan gum, and some preservatives. 

It is brand new and my daughter is an extreme picky eater, so this currently helps her eat her veggies. I'm thinking I need to put warning labels on everything...

I think you're probably fine..............lesson learned though, those finger-to-mouth habits are so deeply ingrained! 

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So I labeled all of my non-compliant items with blue painters tape.   It's just me, so I sealed the lids; but you could mark it across the label near the opening so that you can see if the item is "yes" or "no" when I reach for it.  I write "non compliant" on the "no" items.  Let me know if you want a picture.

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