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My first W30 -- random observations so far .... (started on Day 3)


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I just have to share what I've lived through so far ....

1. A few days before we started, I stumbled upon a thread about what at Chipolte was W30 compliant. I thought these people were crazy -- talking about how they had called Corporate, and the only thing you could eat was the salad with pork, mild salsa and guacamole. I remembering rolling my eyes. But, thankfully I remembered what I read, because where did I find myself having lunch yesterday?! CHIPOLTE, of course. How quickly I turned from their judge to a person in the same situation (I had figured I would just avoid Chipolte for the month). Ha! BTW, it was a good salad.

2. Last night I had a food dream, and I woke up feeling totally guilty. In the dream, I started with something non-compliant that wasn't sugar (which I don't remember), but the part I remember (of course) was eating these choclate and mint chip cookies I made over the Christmas holiday. I wasn't quite stuffing my face, but I was two-fisting cookies. Thanks goodness it wasn't real, and I can still claim to be on Day 3. Woohoo!!

3. I think I overdid it when I went shopping for fruits and veggies this week. I bought everything I would eat, not that I could eat in a week. I opened the fridge last night and was overwhelmed by the amount of food in it. And, it's not like my kids will eat the extra brussel sprouts or asparagus ....

Anybody else have strange, new occurrences?

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Yup, I had a dream last night I indulged in pizza, forgetting that it was not Whole30 compliant. I felt terrible, I remember saying, "Now I have to start all over!!" I felt immensely guilty.

Was relieved for sure to wake up and remember I had coconut brussel sprouts for dinner instead ;)

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Not having a lot of time during the week, I tend to buy bunches of produce when I have time to get to the organic food mart. If a couple of days later it looks like I won't get through them before they start to go bad, I'll cook them up or blanche them and freeze them for later use. I also love to make homemade TV dinners with my leftovers, so I can defrost and reheat a complete meal in the micro when I'm pressed for time or ambition.

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Very helpful on the blanching! Spent the afternoon craving a sourdough grilled cheese sandwich and a Diet Coke. Thought I was going to lose my mind. However, I didn't cave, and I just finished Thai curry chicken. Here's hoping this craving passes tomorrow.

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Survived my birthday on Friday without cake or alcohol. Who would have thought it was possible? And, I survived a weekend business trip/meeting without knowingly going off plan. So proud of myself I could burst. Really frustrated today. Can't figure out what to eat and tired from weekend business trip/meeting. Just removed myself from the kitchen (which is our family gathering area) to try to regroup.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, it's Day 14. I have to tell you that I was of two minds about doing this over my birthday. But, having survived my birthday without booze or cake, I've really felt like I'd be letting myself down if I didn't make it now. I mean, how could any day be harder than THAT? So, here I stand two weeks into it.

Last week was hard. I did not plan my meals, and I had a slight cold. But, I survived. I was close to giving in a couple of times (because of a lack of planning), but I didn't. Good news is that my cold didn't get any worse than "slight." I'm going to give clean eating credit for that. My husband, on the other hand, was laid up most of the week.

Now, the start of week 3. I'm feeling much better prepared. I made a ton of food yesterday -- chocolate chili (yum!), a frittata, compliant apple muffins and nutty cookies (last two from Everyday Paleo). Making butternut squash soup tonight for the week. It was nice not to have plain old eggs this morning for breakfast. I feel fantastic today. My clothes fit better, and I'm in a good mood. Ready to conquer the world! I slept super soundly last night, and didn't wake up once (I hardly ever do that). Bring it on Week 3 ....

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Yay for having such an awesome day! I can hardly wait for that (Day 8 here). You did really well for your birthday too.

I feel fantastic today. My clothes fit better, and I'm in a good mood. Ready to conquer the world! I slept super soundly last night, and didn't wake up once (I hardly ever do that). Bring it on Week 3 ....

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