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Trying AGAIN!


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This is my third attempt at a Whole 30, and this time I WILL FINISH!

The first time, I cheated on a glass of wine that I told myself was because of some special event I just had to make an exception for (I don't even remember what this "special event" was now).  The second time I cheated with weighing myself about 10 days in... I don't know why!  But I did it, saw that results we actually great so far, and then just abandoned everything.


So this time, I am totally committed and have bought in to all the rules and details.  I've gained about 25 pounds in the past couple years, and my psoriasis, depression, and mood issues have gotten worse.  I am hoping to see improvement in these areas.  Prior to my weight gain, I was really good about my eating.  I'd say I lived in a 90/10 world and maintained a healthy weight for over a decade.  I had great habits, which really made it feel like i wasn't "doing anything" to contribute to the results i enjoyed.  I started an office job, and quit smoking at the same time, and in the mean time abandoned all my good habits.  I entered a YES phase, where i suddenly said yes to everything (except smoking and working out- great for the smoking, not so much for the fitness!).  Well, over the last two years I've seen my body transform and have learned how every little choice adds up. 


Now, I NEED to a reset!  Desperately!  I am hoping and praying and DECIDING to finish!  I've done harder in my life... I CAN DO THIS!!!!!!


Anyone else starting today??

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I made it through day one!  Yay!  I woke up very achy... I wonder if it could be related to sugar detox?  Might be too soon for that... Anyway, I'm really enjoying the food I prepared and feeling positive!

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DAY 8 and going strong!  Feel much better already.  I have already learned so much about the mindless eating I've been doing and why I have been doing it.  It's been hard but I can tell this is going to be a game changer for me.  I feel like I'm learning a lot about the fact I can do anything I decide to.  I have had all these things I want to do (get healthy, work out again, time for myself etc.) and I am realizing all i have to do is DO IT.  And I am.   It's weird too that the more I take care of my self and make decisions that show I value myself and my health, I feel better about myself.  Even before I can see results, I am just looking at my self differently-  With more love and compassion.

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  • 1 month later...

Greetings...I began my W30 journey on April 1, 2019, so I’m almost done, but really just beginning, since I plan to continue with W30 for the rest of my life. In 26 days my joint pain is gone, acid reflux is gone, sleeping soundly every night...can’t believe that, but it’s true. Overall, I just feel so much better both physically and mentally. I’m amazed at how much improvement has happened in just 26 days. And, I’m really enjoying the food, I am making it easy and uncomplicated. This eating program is not hard, as long as you follow the rules, you can be creative and have FUN with it, very important...enjoy the journey. It’s not complicate, it is not hard. Limping around with achy joints is hard, sleepless nights is hard, acid reflux is hard....W30 is not hard. It takes some planning....very important....and thinking it through. I usually make enough of any recipe for leftovers, and there are many easy recipes online, on Pinterest and various blogs. Lots & lots of help out there. I highly recommend getting the Whole30 Day by Day journal while you are on your journey...it is very helpful, and is nice to look back. The journal offers encouragement and guidance. Keep learning new recipes, new foods to buy from Trader Joe’s, your grocery store etc. There are food lists for different stores on Pinterest. Keep reading and learning. Keep it fresh! The journey to better health is a lifetime commitment, live it and enjoy it! :D

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