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Starting my 3rd Whole30 with a solid plan, and some fear.


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Hi, My name is Vanessa. I am a nurse, professor, wife, massage therapist, friend, sister, and more. I did my first Whole30 a couple of years ago, stayed on it for 3 months and lost 30+ lbs. Rather than reintroducing food slowly, I fell off hard. Over the next year or two, I gained every lb back plus more. This year I tried another Whole30 in January and made it 1-2 weeks; didn't lose anything. I'm trying again beginning tomorrow. I have a support person and an accountability partner. We're going to check in with each other every day and do meal prep together every 1-2 weeks. I am at the height of unhealthiness and considering bariatric surgery. My body is inflamed and I am frequently nauseous, all from the food I eat. I really need the Whole30. My plan is to stay on it for 3 months, then segue into a paleo lifestyle.

I'll post my adventures along the way. Wish me luck and thank you in advance for the cheerleading. I'll be cheering you on too:)


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I’m planning on getting bariatric surgery if I can ever get my insurance company to approve it. I also lost 30 lbs the last time I ate a mostly paleo diet, but I went back to my old ways and gained everything back plus an extra 20 lbs, putting me at well over 300. I need to do this for my health. I’m also constantly nauseous, I’m not sure what’s causing it. My doctor diagnosed me with Silent Reflux but the medication isn’t helping that much.


good luck! You got this.

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