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Eating at school


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I already decided to start Whole30, I am really impressed with the program and committed to do this for my health and also for reducing my cravings. I just wonder, if I need to prepare my lunch for school everyday. I am at the senior year at high school and I live in a country where is normall to have a pretty balanced, cooked meal ready at school and I am planning to use that opportunity while doing Whole30. The usuall meal consists of some type of meat (pork, chicken, beef) - sometimes covered in some sauce, sometimes in a form of steak and some side dish - rice, potatoes, pasta, etc. and of course some type of veggie mix. If I would eat at my school canteen, I would be really picky - maybe I would only eat meat, potatoes and veggie salad. Would it be okay while doing Whole 30? Thank you for answer!

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Good for you for choosing to do the Whole30!  Unfortunately without speaking with the people who make the food, it's not possible to say whether or not it would be okay.  What is the meat cooked/coated/seasoned with?  What is on the potatoes? What's in the veggie salad?  What's the dressing? Is there sugar, dairy, legumes (corn, beans, peanuts) or grains? Maybe make an appointment with one of the workers who you get along with there and see if you can take some of their time (obv not during lunch) and talk through it.

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