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PF Changs? And breakfast options?


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I have a graduation dinner to attend this weekend and we will be at PF Changs. Does anyone have any recommendations as to what I can eat there? It's a Chinese restaurant for those who aren't familiar. I know they have a gluten free menu do would my best bet be to look there? Also I know we will be going to breakfast too so any suggestions as to what I could eat at your typical breakfast place (iHop, Denny's, etc.) Thank you so much!

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I've never been to PF Chang's, but gluten free at least cuts down their options for what they can sneak into the food. There will probably be tons of sugar in most things. The "Norwegian Salmon steamed with ginger" looks like the safest thing on the menu, to me, because it's not served with rice and it doesn't sound like it has a sauce.

As for breakfast, if you can pull together a few things from a la carte, like fried eggs and fruit, that's probably your best bet. All the meat will probably have sugar; scrambled eggs might have milk mixed in.

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In fact during this past Whole30, we went to PF Chang's for Mother's Day, and I had that steamed salmon from the gluten-free menu. Ask for it without any sauce, and extra veggies, again just steamed. That's pretty much the only safe thing on the menu, unfortunately.

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