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My Own Kind of Beautiful: Whole30 #2


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I'm baaaaaaaaack!! Did my first Whole 30 over the summer and stuck pretty close to plan for a few months afterwards. Stuck to logging food in the post Whole 30 log section for a while then it tapered off. From there, that sneaky sugar demon made an appearance and things have started to feel a little out of control after the holidays (making "healthy/paleo" cookies and eating half a batch in one night! Eaching an entire bar of organic "good" dark chocolate, you get the picture)! I never did dive into pasta or pizza, etc. Sugar is my issue!

So, I decided to not just do a Whole 30 but make it 45 days. That will take me to the day before we fly out to San Diego. I won't go hog wild in San Diego but will allow for off roading within reason (I'm still mapping out what that will look like). Then once home from San Diego do another Whole 30.

Day 1


Egg Fritatta w/Mayo

4 Cherries


Spaghetti squash with meatsauce

frozen berries with coconut milk/vanilla extract


Chipolte carnitas salad with mild salsa and my own guac (because I had it in the fridge)

Had a team meeting for work at a pizza place....had water and a pepperochini.

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Day 2

Yoga first thing in morning. This was my first yoga class, not sure yet of its for me.


Egg frittata with mayo


Spaghetti squash with meat sauce

Few olives


Apple with almond butter


Boneless chicken wings, carrot fries, ranch dressing

Frozen berries with coconut milk (could have survived without these)

Black coffee today and every day. Proud to say I never did go get a pumpkin spice latte this past holiday season! Years past I would have had multiple!!

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Day 3


Egg Frittata with mayo


Spaghetti squash with meat sauce


Apple with almond butter


Carnitas salad with guac from Chipolte

Frozen berries with coconut milk

Day 4 (WOD in AM)


Egg Frittata with mayo


Kailua pork with mayo

Sweet potato with few frozen berries


Apple with almond butter

Few pecans


Chicken cabbage salad from Everyday Paleo

Frozen berries with coconut milk

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Day 5

Everything was good

Day 6

Breakfast - egg fritatta with hot sauce and mayo

Lunch - chicken cabbage salad

Dinner - chicken wings (breast chunks) from Paleo Comfort foods made with ghee.

Sweeto Potato Fries


Frozen Berries with coconut milk

Day 7


egg fritatta with hot sauce and ranch


Pork stir fry

carrots with ranch

Almond butter because I was giving some to my daughter I guess I thought I needed some too ;-/


Mexican Beef Stew with 1 whole avocado

Brussel sprouts, butternut squash, cranberry bake

Frozen berries with coconut milk


Hoping to be better about logging this coming week, I've been forgetting and trying to go back and remember.

Hope everyone is doing well :) So far I'm feeling fine though I am having some sugar cravings.

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Day 8


3 eggs scrambled, hot sauce, ranch

Half large sweet potato


left over chicken breast/wings, ranch, sweet potato fries


mangos, pineapple, blueberries in coconut milk.

This was suppose to be part of my dinner but I was really hungry and dinner was going to end up being late.


Mexican Beef Stew with whole avocado

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Day 9


Can't remember but it was fine


Can't remember but it was fine


Chicken strips with hot sauce and ranch

Carrot fries


Day 10


Scrambled eggs with hot sauce and ranch

Brussels sprout, squash, cranberry bake


Beef with avocado

Brussels sprout, squash, cranberry bake


Creamy curry chicken with cauliflower rice


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Day 11

Breakfast/post WOD


Brussels sprout, squash, cranberry bake

Added coconut milk to coffee


Creamy curry chicken and cauliflower rice

Couple bites watermelon


Apple with little almond butter


Steak, asparagus, avocado wedge

Frozen berries with coconut milk

Peppermint tea

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Day 12

Breakfast/post WOD

Creamy curry chicken and cauliflower


Chicken, carrot, green bean, mushroom stir fry

Quick, easy and so dang good!


Mixed nuts and apple with coconut whip that cocoa powder in it. Part of this snack was emotional and part hunger. It's been a frustrating day and cycle started today so feeling very hungry and grouchy


Well fed best ever chicken



Couple berries

Craving chocolate like crazy!! Going to get some coconut flakes I think.

Going to a non paleo gathering tomorrow, need to get my food in order for that. Going to take deviled eggs to share and something else, not sure what though.

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Day 13 (yesterday)


Creamy curry chicken with cauliflower rice

Had some deviled eggs around lunch when I made them for our gathering but then wasn't very hungry to actually make myself lunch

Late lunch/snack on the road:

Quick chicken stir fry

Dinner at party

Lots fresh veggies with ranch I brought

Deviled eggs


Smoked pork and turkey, from what I could tell ingredient list was good on the rub.

People ate appetizers, desserts, etc all night in front of me and it really wasn't to bad. I probably ate more meat than I needed but better then diving into the cheesecake :)

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Day 14


We were traveling back home, stopped at a truck stop..oy! Talked to the waitress about the foods, ended up ordering a veggie omlet and I requested that olive oil be used in place of any other oils.


Wasn't too hungry, still full from breakfast. Had a little roast, some avocado, and some cherry tomatoes


Handful of Pecans


Chipolte Carnitas Salad with mild salsa and guac (double the meat).

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