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First Whole30-started 1/7/13

Melissa Hall

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Well today marks my second day (1/8/13) of the whole30.

Yesterday was pretty good. I am coming off a cold so I think that might have helped with my appetite, since today I am much more hungrier.

At about 11am today I wanted pretzels and a diet coke, but instead I grabbed some water infused with lemons and limes.

My lunch yesterday was awful, so I changed some things up today and had smoked salmon, eggs, tomatoes, and capers, over a bed of lettuce with some balsamic vinegar and olive oil drizzled. Pretty good!

I still want something sweet afterwards, so I have had some berries.

I don't know if this is the cold or the change of diet, but I feel a little nauseas throughout the day and light headed.

We will see what tomorrow brings!

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