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Rachel's first Whole30


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Day 1

B: 3 eggs fried in coconut oil

L: ground beef, sprouts, onion and spinach

D: salmon with salad and olive oil

I've tried paleo on and off for ages, but keep falling off the wagon. Time to get serious!! And I'm armed with a couple of new cookbooks and a slow cooker from christmas. Looking forward to tryingsome new recipes and seeing how this all plays out.

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Day 2 was much the same as day 1 food-wise. I also did a little weight training, just getting back into it after a month off over christmas.

Day 3- Today was easier than yesterday as I didn't really crave anything off whole30. I've just made a paleo Rogan Josh from the book well fed, so feeling quite proud. I'm trying to learn some cuilnary skills on this journey!!

Oh yeah and this morning I did a sprint workout and a 40 minute walk :)

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Day 4

B- 3 eggs in coconut oil, some mushrooms

L- liver and onions + broccolli

D- left over Rogan Josh with spinach. BIG portion..

Battled off binge cravings. I have battled binge eating for over two years now- it's my immediate reaction to literally stuff myself until I feel sick whenever I get stressed, bored or lonely- so beating that habit is the hardest thing I have to face these 30 days. I really really want to change for the better, but I have such poor body image (even though I am barely overweight at all) that looking in the mirror makes me want to comfort myself with food. Which obviously solves nothing.

I am, however, feeling more and more motivated to beat off this horrible eating disorder-ish beast!!

One question: portion sizes... I haven't been tracking calories but I feel as though some ofmy portion sizes are excessive and I definitely dont stop eating when I'm *just* satiated (bad I know). But I think trying to do that might make me feel even more restricted and trigger binges so I'm not going to try it yet. Will overeating the good stuff a tiny bit have any impact on results, does anyone know? And by good stuff I mean actual meals, not snacky things like nuts or fruit...

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Day 5

B: 3 eggs in coconut oil, plum tomatoes

L: Chicken, broccolli, sprouts and onion in coconut oil

D: Tuna salad with tomatoes and olive oil

Once again, battling off major bingey cravings. Hope this gets easier at some point! I get cravings mainly just off after lunch or just after dinner, so just trying to distract myself with tv and books at those times.

Tomorrow I have a timed "observed" rowing erg for my club, which is v stressful for me and can sometimes be a binge trigger (once before I absolutely stuffed myself with chocolate just prior to an erg and consequently it was five times worse than it would have been..) SO that will be the big obstacle to overcome tomorrow. I'll report back once it's over!!

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Day 6

B: 3 eggs in coconut oil, plum tomatoes

L: Chicken, broccolli, sprouts and onion in coconut oil

D: Tuna salad with tomatoes and olive oil

Got through the erg... just about!! I was nervous beforehand, but now I'm feeling pretty happy despite having a load of work and stuff to stress about. I'm thinking it's the good eating and endorphins kicking in :D looks like things are looking up! Not craving as much today either.

I'm so glad I'm on my way to getting back to that good paleo "stable" feeling I had last sometime in November...

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I'm not an expert at all as this is my first W30 as well, but I've also struggled with body image/eating stuff as well. I'd say focus on eating Good Food for now. The rest just might fall into place. I'm finding the Good Food I'm eating is taking care of a lot of my issues. Good luck!

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I'm on day 12. I started out eating REALLY big portion sizes but I'm finding that they are getting a little smaller now that I'm figuring out what keeps me full and for how long. I'm no expert but I'd say fill up on the the good stuff and like Jaimecycle said, things should take care of themselves soon enough!

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Cheers for the advice!! I haven't read ISWF but considering ordering it so that it'll arrive as a sort of treat half way through :D

Day 7

B: 3 eggs in coconut oil

L: Ground beef, spinach,sprouts, broccolli, an onion

D: Mackerel with salad

Had a bit of a crave-y moment after lunch but I think I'm just going to accept that my body is so used to getting stuffed that whenI start eating it just wants me to go on and on! But I dealt with it :) The more I exercise my willpower, it seems the stronger it gets. I found the worksheet thing for day 7 pretty helpful as well. Glad to get week 1 over with!

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Day 8

B: Mackerel with salad + olive oil

L: Cup of (black) tea with some coconut oil

D: Ground beef, spinach, broccolli, sprouts, an onion

I had a late breakfast after rowing so "lunch" was minimal, and dinner was big. Feeling more confident about making the 30 days with every day that passes!! Next week I'll probably throw a sweet potato or two into the mix as my rowing training gets more frequent. I've kind of been avoiding them (and anything vaguely sweet) just because I really, really don't want to encourage any sugar cravings. I haven't been eating any nuts either as they tend to be a bit of binge food- once i start, I can't stop.

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Day 9

B: 3 eggs in coconut oil

L: Mackerel, salad, tomatoes, olive oil

D: 2 chicken thighs, onion and broccolli

This is the plan for today, it's going to be tough but I'll get throught it. Cravings are back, and I know why- it's just my natural inclination to give up when i can't see physical changes in my appearance straight away. I really, really need to get it into my head that change takes time- especially when I only have maybe 10-20lbs to lose.

Got to keep concentrating on the positives I've seen so far- visibly less bloat, more stable energy levels.

I'm ordering ISWF tonight to keep me motivated!

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This is my first Whole30 too Rach. Great job so far! I found that eating more veggies (and more variety of veg) really helped me figure out portion sizes. I've never even eaten a paleo type diet before so at first I feel like I was front loading carbs and just working with veg that I was comfortable with (can anyone say broccoli every meal...lol). Now I'm doing all kinds of new veg and I've noticed that my meal portions seem to be right in line with where they should be as per the guidelines (and I'm always satisfied to boot!). I've had no problems adding sweet potatoes or turnips or other starchy veg, especially on training days (I lift).

I'm glad you're starting to see the energy levels stabilize. For me, just after that happened, I turned into an almost insane ball of energy :D I'm on day 15 and this new found mental clarity is really starting to kick in - I love it! Keep it up (use that crockpot! :) )

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Day 10

B: Mackerel, coconut oil and tomatoes

L: Chicken thigh, salad, olive oil

D: Mince, loads of veg and coconut oil

1/3 of the way there :D although I intend to keep eating this way (give or take a couple of glasses of wine and a bit of dark chocolate...) indefinitely after the Whole30. But I think I will feel a lot more positive about keeping it up once I have completed a month- the longest I have ever managed to eat paleo for without bingeing is about three weeks, so getting past that will be awesome.

I'm going to have a go at making some kind of stew in the crockpot in the coming week :D

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Day 11

B: Chicken thigh, coconut oil

L: Mincemeat, sprouts, cabbage, 2 tbsp coconut oil

D: 2 chicken thighs, salad with olive oil and cherry tomatoes

I feel like I've consumed a lot today. I didn't have a big enough breakfast so felt a bit off for the rest of the day. However it could have SO easily turned into a complete binge day- at about 3pm I was flagging, feeling tired and stressed because of work and the erg I had to do tonight. But I came through it, I'm so glad I didn't give in to the cravings.

Still feeling like I'm not making progress, but I have to keep reminding myself that making minute progress >>> getting fatter and more unfit by eating rubbish food. Think I'm finally getting it into my head that all the bingeing is basically slowly killing me- when you put it like that, cravings aren't as hard to beat.

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Day 12

B: 2 eggs, 2 tbsp coconut oil

L: 250g minced lamb, tbsp coconut oil, sprouts, spinach, mushrooms

D: Mackerel and salad, a tomato

I think I'm eating too much. I've decided that for the last 10 days of my whole 30 I'm going to cut the portion sizes a bit. I'm just a bit wary of depriving myself too much in case my binge eating tendencies come back to bite me.

Other than feeling like I am overeating, I feel good today! My productivity is certainly a whole lot higher now that I'm not constantly thinking about chocolate/cake/when my next snack is coming. I can now complete a good 3-4 hour's work in the afternoon with decent concentration levels, whereas before I would start flagging after about an hour (if I started work at all!)

This is really awesome for me as I'm a student in my final year of an undergrad degree so I need to get my head down a bit :)

Just a few more days until half way!

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Day 13

B: 2 eggs, 2 tbsp coconut oil

L: 250g minced lamb, tbsp coconut oil, sprouts, spinach, mushrooms

D: Mackerel and salad, a tomato

Did some sprint ergs this morning. Feeling pretty good, but I've decided to start cutting portion sizes from tomorrow (why wait when it could help me out?)- particularly perhaps the amount of protein I'm eating. Aiming for more fat, a bit less protein. I'm going to need to get some more coconut oil, I'm flying through that stuff..

No cravings today so far!

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It doesn't seem like you are eating too much or anything. Why do you want to cut back on protein? I however, eat like a beast and could actually cut back but seriously though, if you get hungry add it back. You seem really active! : )

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I just feel like eating 250g of beef mince in a sitting is a bit excessive! I'll see how it goes and if I get hungry I'll definitely up the portion sizes again :)

I had a really long, busy (productive!) but tiring day yesterday so forgot to log. But it was pretty much the same food-wise as today

Day 15(!)

B: 2 boiled eggs (after rowing, late breakfast)

L: chicken, coconut oil, load of green veg

D: Mackerel with salad and olive oil and tomatoes

Quick and easy breakfast suggestions that aren't eggs? I have a horrible feeling I'm a bit intolerent to chicken eggs and I want to try cutting them out for a bit.

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Day 16

B: 1 egg, 2 tbsp coconut oil

L: Big portion of beef stew

D: Tuna salad

Pretty rubbish breakfast today, but I just wanted to use up the egg and didn't have much in.

I made a pretty good stew in my crockpot- victory!! Froze the leftovers for a rainy day.

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Day 17

B: Mackerel, tea with coconut oil

L: Chicken stir fry with loadsa veg and coconut oil

D: Tuna salad with olive oil

I think I'm getting fitter! Felt stronger during my workout today. Feeling good generally and had another productive day work-wise. No real cravings. Not sure if I'm really losing weight but not too worried at the moment- at this stage I have to really think about healing my body, rather than how much it weighs. And no doubt I am healthier now than I was 17 days ago.

I can't see myself going back to eating that bad stuff unless I have a bad moment of weakness or it's a special event (I know I have a dinner next month that will definitely involve drinking and non-Whole 30 foods but I've accepted that already, and I don't want to miss out)

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Just an extra post to say I woke up this morning so happy, and had an awesome breakfast of mackerel, tomatoes, mushrooms and tea, and It Starts With Food has just arrived in the post to top it all off :D I'm going to read it quickly and then force it upon my mum because I think she could really benefit from eating this way.

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Day 18

B: Mackerel, cherry tomatoes and mushrooms

L: Tuna salad, olive oil and mushrooms

D: Chicken and veg stir fry

Woke up feeling on top of the world. Good day. Not much more to say! Just gotta keep at it really.

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Day 19

B: Mackerel, cherry tomatoes and mushrooms

L: Tuna salad, olive oil and mushrooms

D: Chicken and veg stir fry

Another decent day. At some point next week I'm going to have a go at making some ghee.. exciting!

I've pretty much decided upon extending my Whol30 to a Whole53 (ending in time for a dinner I've been loking forward to). Got to get to the end of the thirty first- feeling more confident by the day, but I don't want to let my guard down as I've slipped from paleo into bingeing at the 21 day mark before.

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