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Is Sugar, Dairy or Gluten the Culprit?


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I used to think my grossly dry, cracked heels was from the climate on the East coast.  15 years ago I moved West, where it is warm or hot year round,  but no change.  No amount of buffing, wrapping, or slathering made a difference.  The different products and home remedies I’ve tried would stretch from here to the moon, without any relief.

Three weeks ago I started my Whole30 journey, and today, at the beginning of week four, my heels look like they belong to someone else...perfectly smooth, I did not  think it was possible!  I am gluten sensitive, so always eat gluten free, and am not a big drinker, so the problem must be stemming from sugar, dairy or both.  I’m not diabetic, and love to cook/bake, so sugar and diary have been a regular part of my life until now.

In addition to feeling great, this transformation of my skin has been an unexpected bonus!  As I approach the end of the 30 days, I have considered reintroducing A2 dairy first, but do not want to regress...any ideas on how to proceed?

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11 hours ago, Cheeky1 said:

I have considered reintroducing A2 dairy first, but do not want to regress...any ideas on how to proceed

Congrats on the great non scale victories!

As far as how to proceed, it's really an experiment of N=1... the only way to know if the dry skin was caused by a food item is to try the food item out and see.  If the skin transformation is more valuable to you than eating dairy, then you might consider not re-adding it - again, that's something that you have to decide.

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