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Shadow's September 2022 W30


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Day 2 - Sept 2, 2022

M1: raw carrot, scrambled egg with onion and chopped prosciutto, roasted potatoes, ghee

M2: romaine salad with chicken, cucumber, avocado, PK green goddess dressing

M3: pea soup


Day 3 - Sept 3, 2022

M1: steak bites fried in ghee and onions, roasted potatoes, green beans, 1 fried egg, banana

M2: two hard boiled eggs, raw carrot, salted watermelon slices

M3: romaine salad with avocado, chicken, cucumber, green onions, PK gg dressing


Day 4 - Sept 4, 2022

M1: leftover romaine salad

Snack: banana, hard boiled egg

M2: leftover romaine salad

Snack: carrot, hard boiled egg, slated watermelon slices

M3: shepherd's pie, banana

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Day 7 - Wed Sept 7, 2022

M1: leftover sweet potato hash with two eggs

M2: leftover coleslaw with lemon dressing, cashews and chicken

M3: carrots, meatballs


Day 8 - Thursday Sept 8, 2022

M1: sweet potatoes, red peppers, two eggs scrambled in ghee with onions

Snack: banana

M2: romaine salad with veg, avocado and chicken, PK gg dressing

Snack: apple

M3: leftover salad, pineapple


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Day 9 - Friday Sept 9, 2022

M1: shepherd's pie

Post workout snack: deli turkey, carrots

M2: salad with chicken

Snack: banana

M3: leftover salad, steak, potatoes, green beans, beets, mushrooms, ghee


Day 10 - Saturday Sept 10, 2022

M1: shepherd's pie, leftover salad, banana

M2: romaine salad with avocado, chicken, PK gg dressing

M3: halibut with tartar sauce, green beans and carrots, roasted potatoes


Day 11 - Sunday September 11, 2022

M1: potato - egg salad with celery and onions, leftover green beans and carrots

Snack: banana

M2: l/o steak and mushrooms, 1 egg fried in ghee, l/o green beans and carrots

M3: romaine salad with avocado and veg, chicken, cashews, PK gg dressing

I have low energy beginning late this aft and into the evening.  Feeling depleted and not sure why.

I'm hoping the inflammation in my fingers goes away soon. The last joint on my right hand pointer finger had an inflamed lump when I started this W30, it has subsided a bit but hasn't gone away yet.  My sleep cycle is becoming a bit more normal, to bed at ten, aiming to be up at seven but have been struggling with that again.   Trying not to snack between meals.  I've been sticking with my hacks to habits, it has been working out great for me.

My hacks to make this W30 easier (from my previous W30's):

Sharpen my knives after every use.

Clean the kitchen completely after every meal.

Fill the sink with hot soapy water before I begin meal prep, and clean as I go.

Keep carrot and celery sticks in water in the fridge, ready to grab if I get hungry.

Have a protein salad on hand, potato-egg is a favourite.  Bonus - it's an easy lunch to pack when I know I'll be away for lunch.

Keep romaine leaves washed and wrapped in paper towel in the fridge, ready to use.

Keep mini cucumbers on hand, they suit better than whole cukes right now.

Keep fully cooked and ready to eat commercially prepared chicken breasts in the fridge at all times.

Always know what my next meal will be, or at least know my choices, so I don't wonder at meal time what I will eat.

I have a shelf in the pantry that only has compliant food, my fridge only has a few items that are non-compliant but they don't temp me, and the non-compliant foods from the kitchen freezer have been moved to the basement fridge freezer where I won't see them.

I defrosted my upright freezer before I began, and it's organized with real food, most of it frozen in 1- or 2- person portions thanks to my Food Saver.  Bonus - I bought clear bins to organize the food in my upright freezer, one bin each for ground beef, steaks, chicken breasts, compliant sausage, green beans and beets.  

On Saturdays I clean out and re-organize my fridge, make mayo, make more ghee. 

I shop at least every other day, even if its just for one or two items.   

Aim for regular meal times: 8am, noon and 6pm.

NSV: I've stuck with it for 11 days, I'm over 1/3 done.

NSV: my stomach is much less bloated and my elastic waist pants and lulu's fit comfortably again.  

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Day 12 - Monday Sept 12, 2022

M1: leftover green salad

Post work out snack: 2 boiled eggs, carrot sticks

M2: potato egg salad with celery and onions, carrot sticks, Epic Protein shake (pea protein) with 1/2 banana and 1/2 cup frozen fruit

Snack: cantaloupe

Snack: pecans and dates

M3: apple sauce, peas and carrots, smashed boiled potatoes, meatballs, cantaloupe

I need the protein shakes.  I can't stomach eating more protein right now and even with a post work out protein snack my muscles feel too depleted for too long after, so hoping the shakes help.  I intend to use them in addition to a snack of whole food protein and starchy carbs post work out.

I felt weird all afternoon with depleted energy, and am disappointed that I don't feel better this far in.  I did have lots of energy this morning. 

I ate two snacks because  I felt I needed something more this afternoon. 

NSV: my stomach doesn't get in the way now when I'm working out.

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Day 13 - Tuesday September 13, 2022

M1: salad

Post workout snack: protein shake, potato egg salad, carrots

M2: protein shake

M3: meatballs, oven roasted broccoli, cauliflower, carrots in olive oil

The protein shake and snack helped today, I took it 75 minutes after I started my workout, then did my cool down and stretching after.  I felt fine until lunch and for the rest of the afternoon.


Day 14 - Wednesday September 14, 2022

M1: shepherd's pie, cantaloupe

M2: meatballs, potato egg salad, celery, carrots and cauliflower, protein shake with almond milk, almond butter and banana

M3: stir fry with chicken, onions, carrots, broccoli, red pepper, coconut aminos; almond protein shake with strawberries; cantaloupe




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Day 15 - Thursday September 15, 2022

M1: shepherd's pie with scrambled egg and 1/2 avocado, salted cantaloupe

M2: salad with romaine, chicken breast, avocado, carrots, green onion, cashews, grapes, PK gg dressing

M3: potato egg salad, carrots

I made some more ghee this morning, so now I know 1 pound of butter makes enough ghee to last me two weeks.


Day 16 - Friday September 16, 2022

M1: greens, eggs and ham (kale, 2 eggs, prosciutto, ghee)

Post workout snack/M2: potato egg salad, carrots, protein shake with banana

Snack: pea protein shake with almond milk and almond butter, strawberries

M3: romaine salad with avocado and chicken

I'm feeling a bit of Tiger Blood today.

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Day 17 - Saturday Sept 17, 2022

M1: leftover salad with avocado and chicken

M2: potato egg salad, carrots

Snack: pea protein shake with almond milk, almond butter, banana

M3: meatballs, roasted veg (potatoes, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet pepper, onion), apple sauce

I feel good, not full-on Tiger Blood... but good.   I fit into my jeans again and some more clothes that were too tight to wear this summer.

I cleaned the fridge again today, one of my Saturday hacks.  I replaced one of the cardboard boxes in the upright freezer with two clear stacking pull-out containers. Last night I froze 10 lbs of ground beef that I bought on sale, individually packaged in 1 lb sizes so now I have lots to last through October.  

My personal trainer wants me to increase my protein intake since my goal at the gym is to continue for at least the next six weeks to lose 2lbs per week of fat while maintaining my current muscle mass - a very difficult thing to do but I've been doing it.   I'll be weighing in weekly to track my progress.  I know it's against W30 rules. This isn't my first W30 and I have no problem sticking with the meal template.  I don't have any cravings, am staying out of restaurants and don't care to have any alcohol.  I'm increasing my exercise to include a daily one hour brisk walk in addition to the half hour daily walk I take now plus weekly Pilates and 3 times weekly lifting.  

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Day 18 - Sunday September 18, 2022

M1: 2 eggs plus 2 egg yolks scrambled in ghee with kale and prosciutto, baked sweet potato, 1/4 avocado

M2: green salad with PK gg dressing, cucumber, carrots, kale, green onions, cashews, 100g chicken breast

Snack: pea protein shake with almond & banana

M3: shepherd's pie

I feel great today.  Is this Tiger Blood?  

felt great, until I was verbally assaulted.  Again.  Yuck.  It ruined the rest of my day and I didn't get my 5km walk in.

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Day 19, Monday September 19, 2022

M1: potato egg salad, carrots

Post work-out snack: 2- scoop pea protein shake with almond and banana (26g protein)

M2: leftover shepherd's pie, 1- scoop protein shake to increase protein to 25g

Snack: 1- scoop protein shake with berries

M3: pork chop, turnips, potato, green beans, ghee, 1- scoop protein shake with cantaloupe and salt

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Day 20, Tuesday September 20, 2022

M1: romaine salad with cucumber, green onion, matchstick carrots, kale, avocado, chicken breast, PK gg dressing

Post workout snack: 2- scoop pea protein shake with almond and banana

M2: shepherd's pie, banana

M3: romaine salad with avocado and chicken

Last night I dreamed that I forgot I was on W30 and I ate a piece of cake with cream cheese frosting.  Haha!

I'm not having any cravings. I'm 2/3 of the way through.


Day 21 - Wednesday September 21, 2022

M1: scrambled eggs with prosciutto, kale and sweet potatoes, ghee

Post workout snack: 2- scoop pea protein shake with almond and banana

M2: Shepherd's pie

M3: 1/4 rotisserie chicken, green beans, rutabaga

Socializing last night, it didn't trigger any cravings to see the sweets or sit with friends as they ate the yummy treats.


Day 22 - Thursday September 22, 2022

M1: romaine salad with avocado and chicken

Snack: 2- scoop pea protein shake with almond and banana

M2: rotisserie chicken, sweet potato and walnuts with ranch dressing


Last night I had another food related dream... this time I dreamed I ate a slice of triple chocolate fudge birthday cake by mistake.


Day 23, - Friday September 23, 2022

M1: 2 eggs, pea protein shake with almond/hazelnut butter and banana

M2: chipotle bowl with chicken and veg

Snack: Rx bar

M3: steak, potatoes, oven roasted veg (cauliflower, broccoli, sweet peppers, carrots, celery), chocolate birthday cake

I'm continuing Whole30 tomorrow, not worrying about the cake tonight.  I'm curious how I will feel after eating the cake - my first re-introduction, seven days early but it was a special birthday celebration.  The cake was a conscientious choice.  

I'm feeling fine, definitely happy with the food choices I'm making.  I don't miss the alcohol, grains, dairy or other foods I'm not eating.  The idea of eating Frankenfood is somewhat sickening to me.

I certainly eat a lot of vegetables, and absolutely enjoy them!

NSV: I have lots of energy throughout the day, I sleep well and wake earlier in the morning.


Saturday September 24, 2022

M1: Romaine salad with sweet potato and chicken

Post workout snack: pea protein shake with almond, hazelnut, banana

M2: leftovers - rotisserie chicken, roasted cauliflower. broccoli, carrots, sweet peppers, sweet potato and celery, white potato, ghee

Snack: RXBAR

M3: potato-egg salad with onions, celery, mayo

NSV: I woke up this morning at 6:45 fully rested, fully awake the moment that I opened my eyes.


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 Sunday September 25, 2022

M1: leftovers: rotisserie chicken, roasted veg, ghee, protein shake with banana

M2: romaine salad with chicken and avocado

I woke up this morning still tired, snoozed until 7:30am.

I haven't felt any affects from eating the piece of chocolate cake Friday evening, and I will continue with W30 eating until the end of September, when I will do some more reintroductions.  I have an outdoor camp planned for September 30 until October 1, and plan to have some dairy free hot cocoa on Friday evening, oatmeal Saturday morning which I may switch out for potato-egg salad, veg salad for lunch and a sausage bake on Saturday night.  I expect the commercially prepared sausages will have some sugar in them.  Sugar will be the first thing I reintroduce again, after the chocolate cake on Friday night which didn't send me into a sugar tailspin.  I am curious to know if consuming sugar affects my energy level over the following days.  Yesterday I felt sleepy driving home mid-day, and this morning I felt too sleepy to get up at 7am.  The effect sugar has on my energy levels will be my first experiment after finishing this September Whole30.

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Monday September 26, 2022

M1: leftover romaine salad with avocado and chicken, PK gg dressing

Post workout snack: 2- scoop pea protein shake with almond milk, almond butter, banana, ice

M2: potato-egg salad, carrot and celery sticks

Mid afternoon snack: 2- scoop pea protein shake with almond milk, strawberries and ice

M3: spaghetti squash with ground beef in marinara sauce

I woke up well rested this morning, didn't walk as planned due to the rain but walked 2km this afternoon and 8km after supper.

I love my favourite green salad, especially before a morning at the gym.

The mid afternoon shake is an attempt to increase my daily protein intake.  I'm aiming for 25 grams protein with each meal and each snack, total of 125 grams protein per day.  I weighed in at the gym today, in two weeks I have gained 1.2 lbs skeletal muscle mass and lost 4.2 lbs of fat.  I've added 5-6 km daily brisk walking to my program, hoping to shed most of my excess fat by the end of October while maintaining or increasing my muscle mass.

I didn't have a midday energy slump today, my energy seems to have returned to stable and high energy all day long.  I also have excellent energy at the gym.

I love everything I'm eating and not having any cravings, I don't miss alcohol or eating in restaurants.

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Tuesday September 27, 2022

M1: romaine salad with avocado and chicken

Post workout snack: almond shake with pea protein and banana

M2: potato-egg salad, celery and carrots

Snack: 1- scoop pea protein shake with mango

M3: chicken breast marinated in ranch on top of cabbage slaw

I had another restful sleep last night, and got up at 7am to walk the dog (2km).

Was a bit sleepy early this afternoon on the drive home from the gym, not sure why.

I was feeling depleted after swimming and hot tubbing this evening after my meeting.  I was tempted to have a protein shake but just went straight to bed with water instead. 


Wednesday September 28, 2022

M1: 2 fried eggs, potatoes, sweet potatoes, mixed veg, prosciutto, kale, ghee, 1- scoop blueberry protein shake

M2: potato-egg salad, carrot and celery sticks, Rx bar

M3: leftover chicken breast and green beans

I woke fully rested, not super hungry either so I'm glad I didn't have a protein shake after my swim and hot tub last night.

Today I realized that my last carton of almond milk is sweetened.  Need to buy unsweetened.

Thursday September 29, 20022

M1: eggs, kale, prosciutto

M2: potato-egg salad, carrots and celery sticks

M3: chicken breast, potatoes, broccoli, carrots

Friday September 30, 2022

M1: 2 eggs fried with prosciutto and kale, 1/2 sweet pepper

Post workout snack: pea protein shake with banana and almond

M2: 2nd commercially prepared protein shake with frozen yogurt, peanut and chocolate, a few vegetables

M3: shepherd's pie

Snack: hot cocoa made with oat milk sugar

The 2nd protein shake gave me cramps 1 - 2 hours after drinking it, the cramps didn't last long.  I don't know whether the culprit was dairy or peanut butter.




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Saturday October 1, 2022

M1: pumpkin pie overnight oats, not prepared by me, included a small amount of maple syrup (and oats).  

M2: favourite green salad with chicken and avocado

M3: sausage and veg campfire bake

Snack: hot cocoa made with oat milk and a bit of sugar

Snack: Lindor chocolate bar

I knew I would be having the off-plan foods today that were prepared by others, they were aware of my W30 and  I was ok with re-introducing the oats, sugar and cocoa all on the same day.  

It was fun to eat the chocolate bar after a super busy day.  I didn't feel anything unusual after eating it.

I think oats are an ok food for me, but will go back to eating W30 until I get myself back on track and feeling better again.  


Sunday October 2, 2022

M1: banana, granola (probably with oats and sugar)

M2: leftover compliant sausage bake with vegetables

Snack: pecans and dates

M3: shepherd's pie

This afternoon I was tired and dehydrated after a very busy weekend camping and leading a workshop on Saturday.  Today I've had lots of water trying to build up my fluids again.  I'm content to go back to W30 foods for as long as it takes to get back to Tiger Blood - hoping it won't be more than a few days to a week, will re-introduce oats after that to be sure they're ok for me.

Interestingly, the skin on the top of my back has broken out a little, like it was before W30.  Was it the sugar, the maple syrup, the oats, the chocolate bar, or something not diet related?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Monday October 3, 2022

M1: pea protein shake with banana, almond milk and almond butter (I was too rushed to eat and I had nothing quick prepared))

Post workout snack: nothing

M2: shepherd's pie, a small serving of chicken, grapes

Snack: herbal tea with pea protein powder

M3: roasted chicken breast marinated in PK ranch dressing, beats, carrots, broccoli, mashed potatoes fried in ghee

I woke at a good time this morning and felt well rested but my left knee was achey (inflamed?).  I had my shake in the car on the way to my gym, then did an hour of Pilates followed by an hour of weight training on the machines, felt ok afterwards and did not have depleted energy.

My weekly InBody scan showed a 1/2 pound increase in body fat and a very small decrease in muscle weight.  I'm amazed that just a few days of imperfect diet and lack of weight bearing exercise can affect me so quickly.  Back to full-on Whole30 today. 

To bed at 9:30pm, to sleep at 10.


Tuesday October 4, 2022

M1: favourite green salad with 90 grams chicken breast, 1/2 avocado, green grapes, mandarins and PK gg dressing. Total weight of salad was 500g.

Post workout snack: pea protein shake with almond milk, banana and strawberries

M2: leftover chicken, carrots, broccoli, potatoes, beets, OJ w/ CM

M3: tenderloin steak, potatoes, carrots and peas, ghee

Snack: 2- GGC chocolatey-mint cookies

The aches in my knees and hips has subsided.

I didn't feel great when I woke up but I went for a 2km walk in the morning, had a good workout that included lifting and cardio, and another 2km walk this afternoon.  Was feeling close to Tiger Blood today.

We had to taste-test the cookies ;-)  I felt fine after eating them.


Wednesday October 5, 2022

M1: banana, potato-egg salad with celery and onions

Snack: pecans and dates

M2: romaine salad with avocado and chicken

I had bad dreams last night, a bit of insomnia, did not feel rested when I woke up and my hips and knees were a little bit achey this morning... from the cookies last night?  Back to eating Whole30 again until I feel better.


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Monday October 10, 2022

I ate some more cookies this past week, also some cheese and wheat.  Now the inflammation on my right pointer finger is more swollen and painful.  I was also constipated.  I can't say for sure what the culprit is, but I know something in the GGC chocolatey-mint cookies is not good for me.  Thanksgiving weekend has ended, I am going back to Whole30 to get this inflammation in my finger and some other joints under control.  The inflammation wasn't completely gone after six weeks of W30, so I know that for it to go away completely I need to eat W30 for longer than a month and a half.  Yikes, that will be tough.

I know that eating off-plan causes me to have weird/bad dreams, makes me constipated, causes me to want to stay in bed in the morning because I don't feel well rested, makes my joints ache and either dairy or peanut butter gives me stomach cramps.  Eating Whole30 foods is very agreeable to me.  I love everything Whole30 that I've been eating, and can see myself continuing into the future eating mostly Whole30.  I just need to strengthen my resolve to not eat convenient foods like breads, cookies and crackers and cheese.  It will be easier once I know for sure what causes the negative effects.  I really hate the painful inflammation and want to rid myself of it for good.

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Day 1 restart: Tuesday October 11, 2022

M1: favourite green salad with avocado and chicken, PK gg dressing, no grapes

Post work-out snack: Banana & 2- scoop pea protein shake with almond milk, almond butter and 1 tsp creatine

M2: potato-egg salad with 3- extra large eggs, potato and homemade mayo, celery, onions, salt & pepper

M3: leftovers - steak, rutabaga, beets, sweet potatoes, some ghee


The knuckle on the pointer finger on my right hand is painful and I feel mild inflammation in other joints.  I've got to get rid of this inflammation.

My sleep is much better now but I still have bad dreams which seem to be related to eating junk food, wheat or something entirely different.  I want to find out what the cause is.

My In-Body measurements today: 153.3 lbs total weight, 61.3 lbs skeletal muscle mass, 28.6 percent body fat mass.  My goal is body recomposition - to increase my muscle mass and decrease my fat mass to 27 or lower.  I want my clothes to fit well again. 

Waist 33", hips 38.5" = 0.857, still abdominally obese but much better than I was.  I want my WHR to be under 0.8 to be healthier.

My energy is fairly high and stable but I still have trouble getting out of bed on time.  I need to get back to Tiger Blood and the excellent sleep that comes with three solid weeks of eating Whole30.

I have been trying to walk more, injured myself a few weeks ago when I walked 5 km but I have healed from that and want to work up to walking 10 km each day.  This will be in addition to going to the gym at least 2 times and up to 4 times each week for strength training plus Pilates once a week.

I picked up a new FitBit, hoping it helps to keep we motivated to get my steps and km's in.

I track my meals using MyFitnessPal, and hope to soon tweak my macros to see if I can accelerate my body recomposition.  Although this is against W30, it is part of my overall plan.  I did W30 in September, now I am working on eating the right amount of food for my needs and adjusting my macros.  This will include adjusting the fat I eat down a bit at each meal - I really think I add too much fat, and I need to increase my protein for muscle gains.

I do look forward to the food reintroductions.  I worry a bit that I'm not getting enough key nutrients by eliminating some major food groups.  I have been taking vitamins but it's not as fun as eating.  I need to be patient.

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Day 2: Wednesday October 12, 2022

M1: My favourite green salad

Morning snack: 2- scoop pea protein shake with almond milk and banana (no almond butter to reduce my daily fat consumption)

M2: potato-egg salad w/ 2 tbsp (measured) home-made mayo & 3 eggs, carrot and celery sticks

Snack: pecans and dates

M3: 1- scoop pea protein shake with 1/2 cup each frozen strawberries and mangos, BLT salad: prosciutto, romaine & iceberg lettuce, tomato, turkey breast, PK gg dressing

NSV: The knuckle on my right hand is still swollen but already less painful. 

NSV: I didn't have any bad dreams last night.

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Day 3: Thursday October 13, 2022

M1: my favourite green salad (no avocado today)

Post workout snack: pea protein shake with unsweetened almond milk, frozen banana and creatine

M2: potato-egg salad with 3 eggs and 3tbsp homemade mayonnaise, celery sticks and carrot sticks

Snack: strawberry mango protein shake

M3: BLT salad with prosciutto and turkey, PK ranch dressing

NSV: I had another good sleep last night, no bad dreams.  My FitBit sleep score was 89 two days in a row.

My problem knuckle is still swollen.  The colder weather is bothering all of my finger joints, I love to keep them warm - washing dishes in hot water, turning on the steering wheel heater... I hope it's diet related inflammation and not permanent arthritis.  It has been swollen for at least two months now.

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Wednesday October 19, 2022

Ugggh.  Too much off plan food.  Cookies.  Fajita wrap.  Whey protein- idek if that’s W30 but I think not bc it’s from dairy.  I’m feeling ok-ish, except I nodded off this aft, probs from the sugar in the cookies.  And my knuckle isn’t too sore, still swollen though.  I’m finding the reintro stage to be difficult.  Sigh. I’m going back to W30 tomorrow, unsure if I need to do 30 days again before I feel Tiger Blood goodness.  On the bright side, my weigh-in this week was good,  I lost some fat and gained some muscle.  I have excellent energy for my workouts, for my daily walks and I added another exercise class to my weekly routine.  I am also sleeping well, my skin is clear, my mind is sharp, and I continue to enjoy eating whole foods and prepping all of my meals from scratch.  I love eating romaine salad with chicken for breakfast, especially on gym days.  

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Day 1, Thursday October 20, 2022

M1: favourite green salad with romaine, chicken, avocado, grapes etc.

Mid-day shake: pea protein with banana and almond milk

M2: potato-egg salad

Snack: 4! cookies.  Why?  Rhetorical - they were in the house - 'nuff said.  Well, they're gone now.  Back to W30.

M3: pork chop, potatoes, ghee, carrots, beets, apple sauce

Snack: almond milk hot cocoa with protein powder

My sleep was good last night, I think because I eat so very much absolutely healthy food most of the time, going off plan for a few days hasn't affected me too much.  However, I haven't done a proper re-introduction, so I still have no idea how certain foods affect me.  My energy and mental clarity is excellent today.


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