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Jenna's Whole30 log. Here I go!!


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Okay, so I figured that if maybe I wrote down what I was eating and thinking/feeling during this process, that it would help me through it. My husband is doing this with me and is going to be my biggest support system, although I admit that I am unsure that he can pull through this. We work opposite schedules so we are unable to eat our meals together besides weekends. He addicted to pop, creamer in his coffee, breads, and just plain junk. I am addicted to my creamer and pasta.

I started on Sunday night. I wanted to see if I could pull off a whole30 approved meal. And I did! I had fresh pork steak with a little creole seasoning (approved) and garlic powder. I had mashed sweet potatoes with very little ghee (hubby didn't like it), coconut milk, and kosher salt. Then I sauteed some shallots and garlic with evoo and steamed some asparagus in it. It was a great meal. My first whole day on the program (yesterday) was a work/school day so I am on the go all day. I managed to eat three hard boiled eggs for breakfast, but that was it. I also made my coffee with vanilla and coconut milk, but I only drank about 1/4. Come lunch time I was able to snack on some cherry tomatoes and a sweet pepper. After my first class I finished my tomatoes and pepper and had a handful of cashews. When I got home (which was late), I had a slice of apple cider braised pork (that I had cooking in the crockput during the day) and a small amount of sweet poatoe. Surprisingly, I wasn't left hungry. Today (day 2) for breakfast I had 3 hard boiled eggs and a handful of cashews. I ommitted the coffee as I did not like the coconut milk in it. For lunch I had (or having since I am eating) more of the braised pork, some carrots, and a green tea. I also have some sweet potatoe and a pepper with me incase I get the urge to munch before work is over. Tonight I plan on making some ground beef, with an approved taco seasoning recipe I found spread over a bed of lettuce with tomato and an avacado!

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