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Kiki's 1st Whole 30 Log


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I'm on Day 16 and really haven't had any temptation to cheat. I'm feeling good and "clean" overall, but I'm still woefully exhausted. I'm pretty sure I could sleep 20 hours a day if I wouldn't get fired. I'm also experiencing some headaches (one of the reasons I tried Whole30 was to get rid of my relatively regular migraines) and generally cranky. Do not like. Hoping that if I log what I'm eating someone can clue me in on how to edit my daily menus so that I can get the great results everyone is talking about.

Day 15:

Meal 1: turkey burger with mashed sweet potato plus a couple of baby carrots.

Meal 2: romaine lettuce and tomatoes topped with curry chicken salad.

Meal 3: cauliflower "fried rice" with chicken, egg, and broccoli from Well Fed cookbook.

Day 16:

Meal 1: 2.5 eggs scrambled with pork sausage, bok choy, and bell peppers.

Meal 2: leftover cauliflower "fried rice."

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Every meal needs protein, so leftover cauliflower by itself doesn't measure up.

It is very important to follow the meal template when eating - protein portion as big as the palm of your hand, veggies to fill the plate, cooked in a measure of fat as big as your thumb. Not eating enough can make you feel tired.

I see from day 15 that you are eating sweet potatoes. That can be important. Many people feel more energy when they eat starchy carbs like sweet potato. Keep it up.

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Thanks neighbor Tom! (I'm in Atlanta) I appreciate the response.

The cauliflower fried rice I had for lunch has chicken and egg in it, so plenty of protein. I'm splitting everything we cook with my boyfriend so I'll definitely try to be more aware of portion sizes: I might be sacrificing too much to make sure he gets what he needs.

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