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Day 10 and loving it!


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Hi! I've been quietly stalking for a week and thought I would finally join in the fun. A friend introduced me to this and I couldn't be more thankful!

I've struggled with weight my entire life and now at almost 40 years old, I'm tired of being fat and unhealthy. My husband is supportive, but not following this with me. So I'm going at it alone. I've got a long way to get where I want to be but at least I'm on the road! This is the healthiest, most sensible, logical way of getting healthy that I've ever done. Perhaps that is why I have continually failed.

Having a large veggie/herb garden and buying pastured eggs for years now, I've slowly been changing my way of thinking about foods and all the crap that is in them. So this is right up my alley. My husband and I are foodies, so I am having fun making everything from scratch. It's just the matter of finding time.

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Hi, Welcome to the forum. Jump right in. Really envy you your garden. I'm in a flat so have to buy everything. Yes, cooking does take up more time now than ever before. Well I used to be a raw foodist so that's not difficult :). Like you, I'm now convinced that this is the healthiest way of eating I've ever come across. I find it helps to cook about 4 times as much as I want for a meal. That gives me leftovers for another meal and 2 I can freeze, so if I'm really short of time, I can just pull them out and go. Good luck and don't be afraid to ask any questions you may have. It's a really friendly place.

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