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Here I am

Andrea Nance Smith

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I have always been what is considered a "yo yo" dieter. For no better way of putting it ... I am just sick and tired of feeling like I am constantly on a "diet." Isn't the way we eat everyday a diet. Shouldn't it be called changing your lifestyle, making smarter choices, being held accountable for your own decisions/choices. This is it !!! This is the healthier way of eating/living. I will be making this commitment. I will start for 30 days, but will continue for life. I am 34yrs old but feel as though I am 1 foot in the grave some days. Thank you for making things seem more clear.


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I agree too. It seems like as soon as I say I'm on a diet I set myself up for failure. I feel restricted immediately and just never stick with any diet. I'm on day 9 of Whole30 and I can't even call this a diet. It truly is a lifestyle change. I don't feel like I'm dieting at all but actually making choices with this. I'm at a point now where instead of saying I can't have this or I can't have that I say I don't want those things. I know at anytime I can stop Whole30 but I also know I will hate myself for it. It's my choice to keep going or to stop. This is the first time I've ever chosen to stay with a food program. I'm enjoying my progress and improvements too much to stop now.

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