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Started 11 Feb 2013


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Good Morning Everyone,

Well, after a natural disaster inducted inturruption to my 1st Whole 30 start in mid January, I have re-started and have now successfuly completed day 4 :rolleyes:

I discovered the Whole 30 after catching up for dinner with some girlfriends whom I had not seen for over a year. One of them had lost a substantial amount of weight and looked incredibly happy and healthy so I just had to find out what she had been doing. And hence, my Whole 30 discovery!

Prior to finding out about the Whole30, I had been clean eating for over a month so I was definatley in the right frame of mind and I had already cut processed foods and sugar from my diet. I looked up the Whole 30 web site and immediately ordered "It Starts With Food". Whilst I was waiting for the book to arrive, using the guidelines from the web site, I started changing the way I ate and signed up for the Whole 30 in the middle of January.

I was going along swimmingly (excuse the pun...as you will see in a moment) until disaster struck! We had an ex tropical cyclone decend on our area and dumped over 1 meter (3ft) of rain in less than 2 days. Flash flooding ensured and our house had over a meter of water through it, fences were destroyed and sadly we lost all of our chooks :( Alothough what we went through was very traumatic, compared to others in our state of QLD, we got off lightly.

During this time our family and friends rallied around to help with the clean up. Amongst other things, they brought food. Lots of food. Lots of food that was not ideal for me. But right then - it was all we had and I am thankfull for that!! I must say though, I was acutely aware of how this food had a negative effect on me - and it spured me on to ensure once things were back to normal, it was straight back to Whole30!!

So, I am now on day 4 of my take-two Whole30 Journery. I received my copy of "It Starts with Food". What an eye opener. Lightbulbs just went off and I KNEW I had found the right philosophy for me.

And how do I feel? I feel great :D I know I have lost weight because my jeans are looser. My skin looks amazing and I can concerntrate better. I can FEEL the energy returning to my body. I am very much enjoying discovering new receipies and creating new dishes.

If this is what I feel like now.....boy oh boy I cant wait to see what the next few weeks brings!

Cheers All.


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Hi Jackie, really sorry to hear what you've been through and, of course, at times like that you simply eat what you can. Glad you've come back to W30 and I can so relate to the lightbulb moment with ISWF. That's exactly how I felt :). It was 'Where have you been all my life?' good luck and hope you get no more floods.

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