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Purple's First Whole30


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Hi all,

I'm new here but not new to paleo. I've been off and on paleo for a years. Recently I have been waaaaaay off and it shows!

My belly and hips are huge (for me), I'm flabby and out of shape and my sinuses will never clear.

I have a wheat allergy so I should know better, but before xmas I started doing some baking with

organic flour cause the kids and hubby like to have sweets and I didn't want them buying the

junk at the grocery store. Problem is, I started eating it too and in a couple of months my lack of energy, non-mental clarity and sinus problems went through the roof.

I started a few days ago to get off the wheat / grain / beans again and have restarted yoga and plan on going on to pilates when I'm felling a little more flexible and less stiff.

I drink tons of distilled water (a gallon a day).

I don't drink coffee or caffinated teas or alcohol so no problems there.

I'm not a huge fan of dairy so I don't have a problem with that either.

I also have chronic insomnia and suffer from anxiety.

Day 1

For brunch today I had 1/4 pound of minced chicken pan fried with some veggies and herbs. It was delish. I did not eat breakfast as I woke up to late (insomnia problems).

For supper I made nomnompaleo's chicken with gravy, mashed clauliflower, steamed broccoli and raw baby carrots. Here is a pic, I don't know how to resize it but you get the idea.


I will probably have another meal later on this evening as my body clock is messed up.

Thanks to everyone for posting in the forums I am reading and being inspired by everyone. Have a great day/night and Happy Valentine's Day!

PS if you are looking for some good free yoga classes I would recommend yogayak.com

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Yesterday was day 2 and I cooked up some more nomnompaleo chicken and

gravy as it's what I had on hand. We did a grocery run late last night so I

could stock up on other things.

Yesterdays food / body log:


Herbal Tea


Ground chicken and bokchoy "hash"



Green salad - plain

Homemade "Trail Mix" - cashews, almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, coconut flakes

with a couple of dried prunes


Another batch of nomnompaleo's chicken and gravy

Mashed cauliflower

Green Salad - no dressing


Herbal Tea

I usually don't eat banana's but I was hungry and it was before the grocery run

so I ate one.

When we got home from the grocery run, I was STARVING so I had some of the

trail mix I made while waiting for my chicken in the crock pot.

I was actually full from the trail mix a couple hours later, but couldn't resist the

cooked chicken and gravy and ate that as well. But it was too much. I was completely

bloated and looked about 6 months pregnant. That's what happens when you

don't have stuff in the house to cook / eat and you starve yourself half the day and then

gorge. Lesson learned.

I have been keeping up the daily yoga at yogayak.com and this is helping my hips,

knees and spine loosen up. Feels great!

I am still suffering insomnia, but when I do get to sleep I feel a little more

refreshed when I wake up than before. I can only hope this area improves

as it affects all areas of my life and my family life.

**In the TMI section (warning!)**

I had an interesting BM yesterday morning, water and pellets.

I blew my nose for about half an hour. As I have chronic sinus

congestion I guess this is a good thing. My goal is to have CLEAR

sinuses and a flat tummy and more energy.

This morning I had another "interesting" BM, the mushy, smelly kind

that I know is my liver starting to clean out because of the color and


Also I can feel the cleanse starting because of my tongue, it

feels strange... don't know how to describe it.

I saw someone else post that they were doing coffee enemas and

I might start that as I have done them in the past with great success.

Well that's all for now. The sun is shining here even though it is still

cold, I can deal with the cold and snow if the sun is out.

Which reminds me I need to take a vitamin D tablet.

Have a great day all.

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Yesterday was Day 3


-Herbal tea

-1/2 apple

-3 pan fried eggs

-Sweet potato hash with red onion and herbs from nomnompaleo



Chicken and Gravy leftovers from nomnom paleo, I take the chicken out and put it under the grill to crisp up the skin - YUM

Mashed cauliflower leftovers

Green salad with shredded carrots and shredded red cabbage (premade bag)

Water (lots and lots of it)


-1/2 apple

-Shrimp Soup with Mushrooms and Coconut Milk and salt and pepper that I just threw together (

), I did not add a poached egg as I already had 3 eggs today and wasn't in the mood for another.

-Handfull of cashews and almonds

-Small can of baby oysters in sunflower oil & salt (not perfect but delicious)

-black and green olives in water & salt

-Handful of fresh raspberries

-Water (lots and lots of it)

-Herbal Tea

Overall feeling good, with that weird tongue feeling continuing. Having better sleep quality. Though the energy level is not there yet, I'm impatient for this to happen. But had a fabulous sleep last night. Slept 7 hours, got up at 8am and said feck it and went back to bed and slept another 3 hours. Feel great.

Did not do any yoga yesterday, was not in the mood.

Very, very thirsty yesterday. I could not drink enough distilled water, I know my body needs this extra water to flush out the sugar and toxins.

**In the TMI section (warning!)**

Another smelly, mushy BM, though not quite as mushy this morning as yesterday. Definitely my liver flushing out by smell and color.

Again, lots of nose blowing but no clear sinuses yet.

Will continue with lots of water today to help this along.

Have a fab day everyone.

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Yesterday was Day 4 - the KILL ALL THINGS DAY

It started out normal, I ate a good breakfast, then a good lunch and then a massive headache started. I knew this headache was toxins trying to release through my tummy, my tummy was not happy, lots of congestion there. I knew it was my gallbladder and liver pushing out the junk as fast as it could... I could taste the bitterness in my mouth and my head was throbbing and I just wanted TO KILL ALL THINGS and I wanted some SUGAR DAMMIT!

But I didn't kill anyone, or eat any sugar.



Herbal Tea

2 eggs

Zucchini, mushroom, leek "hash"

1/2 avacado



Beef pot roast with celery, onions, sweet potato, carrots

Herbal Tea


Same as Lunch - Yum!

****** TMI Section (warning)! ******

Even though I had a full BM in the morning, I had to help things along by doing a mini-enema. My tummy was really not happy and I couldn't take the headache anymore.

I felt MUCH better about 30 minutes afterwards and feel great today.

Still drinking tons of water to help flush all the bad guys out.

Have a beautiful day everyone!

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Yesterday was Day 5

I felt pretty good, but I look like crap. I have become "pizza face" over night with an outbreak of pimples.

My tummy has settled down and feels pretty normal. Still keeping my water intake up but need to get back on the yoga train.

Went for a health food store trip with a friend (the nearest one is now far away) and picked up some more organic veggies, an organic beef blade roast (half price!) and some digestive enzymes to help me out.

Sleeping much better! Went to bed before midnight (10:30pm) last night, read for a bit then fell asleep. Woke up once to take a wee, then went back to bed. Got up at 8:45am! Feel great!

Yesterday's food intake (Day 5)


Water, Herbal Tea

2 eggs, Sauteed broccoli, 1/2 avocado


Leftover chicken, Red Swiss chard, leftover roasted veggies (sweet potato, celery, carrot, onion)



Leftover beef pot roast, leftover roasted veggies (as above), whole avocado

herbal tea


Have a great day everyone!

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Yesterday was Day 6

Feeling good, but very tired. After my marathon night time sleep, I went down for a "nap" after lunch and slept another 3 hours!

I am still congested in my nose and sinuses but there is not as much pressure there. Tummy seems to have settled down.

A couple hours after supper I was STARVING so I made up a batch of soup and ate that. I cannot sleep on a rumbling stomach.



Herbal Tea

Ground Chicken, celery, red swiss chard, apple "hash" with herbs and s&p



Sweet potato, onion, zucchini, broccoli "hash" with 2 eggs



Garlic Lime Chicken Breast - YUMMMMMMM one of my favorite meals

Green salad (no dressing), steamed broccoli and cauliflower

Meal #4


Herbal Tea

"Cream" of spinach soup, with spinach, celery, leek, leftover broc & caul, turmeric, s&p, turkey & chicken bone broth & coconut milk - then immersion blended the whole thing.

Yoga for night time.

Have a beautiful day everyone!

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Yesterday the sugar monster reared it's ugly head again, but I resisted and battled with it and won.


Crustless Quiche type thing with 6 eggs, ground turkey, onion, broccoli. Ate half of that.


"Cremed" Soup made with coconut milk, turkey bone broth, spinach, left over veggies, blenderized.


Taco Salad, with seasoned ground beef, green salad and compliant salsa.

Meal #4

The rest of the egg quichey thing.

I am finding that I cannot eat 3 large meals. I am generally a slower eater and get full because of it, while my family wolf's everything down in 5 minutes flat I'm left at the table with over half my meal still on the plate. I finish the plate, I just do it slower. I have always been a chewer. Therefore a 4th meal is needed to keep me satisfied.

I'm generally getting a little bored with eating and wish someone would cook me a nice compliant meal for a change.

I had a HUGE craving for Cheezwhiz? What? I don't even eat that stuff. Also then craved ice cream, then chocolate with peanut butter. Sigh.

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Hey purple, you are doing great! Reminds me of my first whole30 warts and all. Watch out for the eating non compliant food in your dreams... That seems to be where you are heading. It's really funny. I ate cheese and biscuits and gummy lollies which I couldn't scrape out of my mouth no matter how much I tried after I 'realised' LOL

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Yeah it's tough feeling like you are talking to yourself on these posts sometimes.... I'm somewhere in the middle of a whole hundred as you know but recounting to reset from coffee and nuts so on day6 today. My cyberfriend Sarah Emily is also on about day 6 after some off roading. Have a look at the logs to see if anyone else started new when you did. There are so many posts out there its hard to keep up. But I find if I post on some (like you did on mine) people have a chance to look you up and will follow along if you have something in common. The extra support does make a difference IMO.

I am facing constant but low level cravings for coffee, cocoa and treat foods ( hubby just cooked popcorn :( ) seems to happen after a week of being good. I found the time between day7 and10 really flew and again to day14 so I hope you too find the next week easier.

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Thanks for your encouragement Juzbo. I try to pick someone at random everyday and read their log. I learn so much from reading other people's logs; emotions, physical symptoms or just something wonderful to eat. I usually try to post a few words of encouragement for them then.

Ya, feel like you're talking to yourself sometimes on here for sure! ;)

You are doing so well! I will pop over to your log now and have a peek.


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Hi all! I had a very busy day so will log in tomorrow and post my menus.

Yesterday was a tough day. I was feeling slightly depressed, melancholy, teary-eyed. I think that as you purge the toxins there are some memories / feelings attached to them and they stir up your brain a little as well as your digestive system, well that was my thought about it this morning anyway.

Today feeling VERY good. I feel lighter. I have less flab in my midsection even though I have been doing very gentle yoga only and not even everyday, the love handles are shrinking WOOHOO! I am eating well. My sinuses, though not clear, are much lighter feeling. I don't feel like a giant nose and belly blubbering around, LOL!

Thank you so much Juzbo for all your encouragement, you were a blessing to me yesterday. I haven't got to your old blog yet but I will.

Casey R ! Thank you so much for the post. I will check out your log very soon and I hope you are doing well.

TynCoed ! Wonderful! I'm glad you liked the yoga site. I'm really enjoying the variety there. And so true! I could scarf down a HUGE pile of crap on "those days" no problem! I will check out your log soon as well.

Everyone have a wonderful Friday and Saturday (depending on where you are in the world), and I will post and read more tomorrow.

Hugs and bon appetit! :)

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