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Day 23. Period started. Worst, most painful cramps ever. WHY?


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I'm on day 23. My period started yesterday. I usually am lucky and absolutely pain free during my period. The past day and a half, I have experienced the most painful cramps I have ever experienced in my life. I have also been starving for the past 4 days, despite eating high quantities of nutrient-dense food.

I've done a search and a lot of people have been reporting the same thing.

I would like to know WHY my cramps are so painful during whole30. For me, pain is a negative indicator, so I feel like I am doing something wrong to my body by eating whole30. I was happy with whole30 until now.

I am not on birth control, nor have I ever been. I am 24 years old and have had regular periods. I know 100% that my cramps this month are related to what I have been eating.

I appreciate any and all responses. I am in so much pain.

Thank you.

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During my very first Whole 30 I had one really horrible period -- worst cramps ever, strange head-fog, actually felt like I had a whole body migraine for a couple of days. But then all the ones since have been better and I've had less cramps, bloating, etc. than ever in my life. I have absolutely no idea why that would be, but that's what happened. So, get through this one and then see how they go from there.

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Are you getting enough salt/potassium/other electrolytes? The muscles involved in menstruation are muscles- just like any other muscle they are prone to cramping when there aren't enough electrolytes or water in them. I experienced crazy cramps in my hands and legs (I am extremely active) for a few days before I figured this out, and started salting my foods more and drinking mineral water. Really dark green vegetables are also good. Feel better!

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The week or so prior to your period, your body needs a lot more carbs. I'm not sure if it's true or not, but I just read that we need anywhere from 100-300 extra calories. That's why many of us feel starving, and cue the typical PMS cravings. Get some extra carbs in next month, and that should curb the hunger. (The body has to assume after ovulation that it's pregnant, so it needs extra energy to prepare the body just in case. Once your period comes and it realizes it's not pregnant, there's less demand for energy and cravings dissipate.)

The cramps - diet changes or not - are due to prostaglandin - that's what triggers your uterus to contract. The contractions shut off blood flow to your uterus temporarily, which is what causes cramping. From what I've read, foods such as red meats can increase inflammatory prostaglandin production, which can contribute to additional cramping. Consider some fish oil or GLA (or eat more fish), which helps with anti-inflammatory prostaglandin production and might help off-set it. Magnesium may help as well, as it helps the body relax.

It might take another month or two, but according to many women around here, things typically level out. Cramps are no fun, but consider yourself luck that this is the first time you're experiencing them - there are many of us that experience them this bad every month, diet or not!

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During my very first Whole 30 I had one really horrible period -- worst cramps ever, strange head-fog, actually felt like I had a whole body migraine for a couple of days. But then all the ones since have been better and I've had less cramps, bloating, etc. than ever in my life. I have absolutely no idea why that would be, but that's what happened. So, get through this one and then see how they go from there.

FYI - The brain fog and migraine feeling is typically due to a very sudden drop in estrogen. I get that most months and it's not fun. :( Progressively getting better, though!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I'm on day 9 of my whole30. Usually have debilitating migraines with my period in addition to chronic tension headaches lots of other days as well. DId not have any headaches the first 7 days - miracle!!! That's the longest headache-free stretch I've had in years. But started my period yesterday and got one. Guess the hormones win out. Curious if anyone has seen improvement in hormonal headaches after doing whole 30 and/or switching to paleo lifestyle?? Was wondering about the cramps as was mentioned above, I don't usually get them much anymore but have them this time - and was wondering if the red meat was the culprit (I used to always avoid that the week before and during my period) And I feel constantly hungry! Good advice above - I'll try to switch to fish and chicken these next few days. ( I can't have eggs) Karen - you mentioned getting more carbs before cycle - what are the best options for that?

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  • 4 weeks later...

While on the period topic; I usually have a monster sweet tooth before my period.  Is this chemical/scientific or just in my head?  I'm hoping the Whole30 will rid me of this symptom along with some serious bloating!

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While on the period topic; I usually have a monster sweet tooth before my period.  Is this chemical/scientific or just in my head?  I'm hoping the Whole30 will rid me of this symptom along with some serious bloating!


Nope, not in your head!  Your body needs more carbs between ovulation and your period.  From an evolutionary standpoint, the body has to assume that it's pregnant until your progesterone drops and your period starts.  As a result, it requires additional energy/carbs to give the body enough support a potential pregnancy.  Thus the cravings for sweets (quick energy), retained water (guarantees hydration), and constipation (slows down digestion to allow absorption of more nutrients).  Eat more starchy veg the week or so prior to head it off.  

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